Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 3.djvu/125

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PUBLIC LAW 10&-261—OCT. 17, 1998 112 STAT. 1955 (Joint STARS) Radar Technology Insertion Program (RTIP) sensor of the United States, as follows: (1) Of the amount authorized to be appropriated under section 201(1), $6,400,000. (2) Of the amount authorized to be appropriated under section 201(3), $3,500,000. SEC. 243. NATO COMMON-FUNDED CIVIL BUDGET. Of the amount authorized to be appropriated by section 201(1), $750,000 shall be available for contributions for the common-funded Civil Budget of NATO. SEC. 244. EXECUTIVE AGENT FOR COOPERATIVE RESEARCH PROGRAM OF THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE AND THE DEPART- MENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS. The Secretary of Defense, acting through the Army Medical Research and Materiel Command and the Naval Operational Medicine Institute, shall be the executive agent for the use of funds available from the amount authorized to be appropriated by section 201(4) for the Cooperative Research Program of the Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs. SEC. 245. REVIEW OF PHARMACOLOGICAL INTERVENTIONS FOR REVERSING BRAIN INJURY. (a) REVIEW AND REPORT REQUIRED. — The Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs shall review research on pharmacological interventions for reversing brain injury and, not later than March 31, 1999, submit a report on the results of the review to Congress. (b) CONTENT OF REPORT.— The report shall include the following: (1) The potential for pharmacological interventions for reversing brain injury to reduce mortality and morbidity in cases of head injuries incurred in combat or resulting from exposures to chemical weapons or agents. (2) The potential utility of such interventions for the Armed Forces. (3) A conclusion regarding whether funding for research on such interventions should be included in the budget for the Department of Defense for fiscal year 2000. SEC. 246. PILOT PROGRAM FOR REVITALIZING THE LABORATORIES 10 USC 2358 AND TEST AND EVALUATION CENTERS OF THE DEPART- note. MENT OF DEFENSE. (a) PILOT PROGRAM.—(1) The Secretary of Defense may carry out a pilot program to demonstrate improved cooperative relationships with universities and other private sector entities for the performance of research and development functions. (2) Under the pilot program, the Secretary of Defense shall provide the director of one science and technology laboratory, and the director of one test and evaluation center, of each military department with authority for the following: (A) To explore innovative methods for quickly, efficiently, and fairly entering into cooperative relationships with universities and other private sector entities with respect to the performance of research and development functions. (B) To waive any restrictions on the demonstration and implementation of such methods that are not required by law.