Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 3.djvu/772

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112 STAT. 2602 PUBLIC LAW 105-276—OCT. 21, 1998 housing agency may provide for penalties for the late pay- ment of amounts due under the contract, which shall be imposed on the public housing agency in accordance with generally accepted practices in the local housing market. "(E) PENALTIES. —Unless otherwise authorized by the Secretary, each public housing agency shall pay any penalties from administrative fees collected by the public housing agency, except that no penalty shall be imposed if the late payment is due to factors that the Secretary determines are beyond the control of the public housing agency. " (11) LEASING OF UNITS OWNED BY PHA.— If an eligible family assisted under this subsection leases a dwelling unit (other than a public housing dwelling unit) that is owned by a public housing agency administering assistance under this subsection, the Secretary shall require the unit of general local government or another entity approved by the Secretary, to make inspections required under paragraph (8) and rent determinations required under paragraph (10). The agency shall be responsible for any expenses of such inspections and determinations. " (12) ASSISTANCE FOR RENTAL OF MANUFACTURED HOUSING.— "(A) IN GENERAL.—^A public housing agency may make assistance payments in accordance with this subsection on behalf of a family that utilizes a manufactured home as a principal place of residence. Such payments may be made only for the rental of the real property on which the manufactured home owned by any such family is located. " (B) RENT CALCULATION. — "(i) CHARGES INCLUDED.— For assistance pursuant to this paragraph, the rent for the space on which a manufactured home is located and with respect to which assistance payments are to be made shall include maintenance and management charges and tenant-paid utilities. "(ii) PAYMENT STANDARD. —The public housing agency shall establish a payment standard for the purpose of determining the monthly assistance that may be paid for any family under this paragraph. The pay- ment standard may not exceed an amount approved or established by the Secretary. "(iii) MONTHLY ASSISTANCE PAYMENT.— The monthly assistance payment for a family assisted under this paragraph shall be determined in accordance with paragraph (2). " (13) PHA PROJECT-BASED ASSISTANCE.— "(A) IN GENERAL.— If the Secretary enters into an annual contributions contract under this subsection with a public housing agency pursuant to which the public housing agency will enter into a housing assistance payment contract with respect to an existing structure under this subsection— "(i) the housing assistance payment contract may not be attached to the structure unless the owner agrees to rehabilitate or newly construct the structure