Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 113 Part 1.djvu/552

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113 STAT. 528 PUBLIC LAW 106-65 —OCT. 5, 1999 Sec. 3202. Under Secretary for Nuclear Security of Department of Energy. Sec. 3203. Establishment of policy for National Nuclear Security Administration. Sec. 3204. Organization of Department of Energy counterintelligence and intelligence programs and activities. Subtitle A—Establishment and Organization Sec. 3211. Establishment and mission. Sec. 3212. Administrator for Nuclear Security. Sec. 3213. Status of Administration and contractor personnel within Department of Energy. Sec. 3214. Deputy Administrator for Defense Programs. Sec. 3215. Deputy Administrator for Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation. Sec. 3216. Deputy Administrator for Naval Reactors. Sec. 3217. General Counsel. Sec. 3218. Staff of Administration. Subtitle B—Matters Relating to Security Sec. 3231. Protection of national security information. Sec. 3232. Office of Defense Nuclear Counterintelligence and Office of Defense Nuclear Security. Sec. 3233. Counterintelligence programs. Sec. 3234. Procedures relating to access by individuals to classified areas and information of Administration. Sec. 3235. Government access to information on Administration computers. Sec. 3236. Congressional oversight of special access programs. Subtitle C—Matters Relating to Personnel Sec. 3241. Authority to establish certain scientific, engineering, and technical positions. Sec. 3242. Voluntary early retirement authority. Sec. 3243. Severance pay. Sec. 3244. Continued coverage of health care benefits. Subtitle D—Budget and Financial Management Sec. 3251. Separate treatment in budget. Sec. 3252. Planning, programming, and budgeting process. Sec. 3253. Future-years nuclear security program. Subtitle E—Miscellaneous Provisions Sec. 3261. Environmental protection, safety, and health requirements. Sec. 3262. Compliance with Federal Acquisition Regulation. Sec. 3263. Sharing of technology with Department of Defense. Sec. 3264. Use of capabilities of national security laboratories by entities outside the Administration. Subtitle F—Definitions Sec. 3281. Definitions. Subtitle G—Amendatory Provisions, Transition Provisions, and Effective Dates Sec. 3291. Functions transferred. Sec. 3292. Transfer of funds and employees. Sec. 3293. Pay levels. Sec. 3294. Conforming amendments. Sec. 3295. Transition provisions. Sec. 3296. Applicability of preexisting laws and regulations. Sec. 3297. Report containing implementation plan of Secretary of Energy. Sec. 3298. Classification in United States Code. Sec. 3299. Effective dates. TITLE XXXIII—DEFENSE NUCLEAR FACILITIES SAFETY BOARD Sec. 3301. Authorization. TITLE XXXIV—NATIONAL DEFENSE STOCKPILE Sec. 3401. Authorized uses of stockpile funds.