Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 2.djvu/760

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114 STAT. 1496 PUBLIC LAW 106-386—OCT. 28, 2000 42 USC 3796gg- 1. 42 USC 3796gg- 2. "(1) PURPOSE.— The Attorney General shall award grants to each State domestic violence coalition and sexual assault coalition for the purposes of coordinating State victim services activities, and collaborating and coordinating with Federal, State, and local entities engaged in violence against women activities. "(2) GRANTS TO STATE COALITIONS.— The Attorney General shall award grants to— "(A) each State domestic violence coalition, as determined by the Secretary of Health and Human Services through the Family Violence Prevention and Services Act (42 U.S.C. 10410 et seq.); and "(B) each State sexual assault coalition, as determined by the Center for Injury Prevention and Control of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention under the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 280b et seq.). "(3) ELIGIBILITY FOR OTHER GRANTS.— Receipt of an award under this subsection by each State domestic violence and sexual assault coalition shall not preclude the coalition from receiving additional grants under this part to carry out the purposes described in subsection (b)."; (2) in section 2002(b)— (A) by redesignating paragraphs (2) and (3) as paragraphs (5) and (6), respectively; (B) in paragraph (1), by striking "4 percent" and inserting "5 percent"; (C) in paragraph (5), as redesignated, by striking "$500,000 " and inserting "$600,000 "; and (D) by inserting after paragraph (1) the following: "(2) 2.5 percent shall be available for grants for State domestic violence coalitions under section 2001(c), with the coalition for each State, the coalition for the District of Columbia, the coalition for the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the coalition for the combined Territories of the United States, each receiving an amount equal to V54 of the total amount made available under this paragraph for each fiscal year; "(3) 2.5 percent shall be available for grants for State sexual assault coalitions under section 2001(c), with the coalition for each State, the coalition for the District of Columbia, the coalition for the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the coalition for the combined Territories of the United States, each receiving an amount equal to V54 of the total amount made available under this paragraph for each fiscal year; "(4) V54 shall be available for the development and operation of nonprofit tribal domestic violence and sexual assault coalitions in Indian country;"; (3) in section 2003, by striking paragraph (7) and inserting the following: "(7) the term 'underserved populations' includes populations underserved because of geographic location (such as rural isolation), underserved racial and ethnic populations, populations underserved because of special needs (such as language barriers, disabilities, alienage status, or age), and any other population determined to be underserved by the State planning process in consultation with the Attorney General;"; and