Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 115 Part 2.djvu/582

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115 STAT. 1566 PUBLIC LAW 107-110-JAN. 8, 2002 "(B) affording the eligible entity notice and an opportunity for a hearing. "(5) GRANT RENEWAL. — (A) An eligible entity that has previously received a subgrant under this subpart may reapply under this subpart for additional subgrants. "(B) The Federal share of any subgrant renewed under subparagraph (A) shall be limited in accordance with section 1234(b). 20 USC 6381h. "SEC. 1239. EVALUATION. "From funds reserved under section 1232(b)(1), the Secretary shall provide for an independent evaluation of programs assisted under this subpart— "(1) to determine the performance and effectiveness of programs assisted under this subpart; "(2) to identify effective Even Start programs assisted under this subpart that can be duplicated and used in providing technical assistance to Federal, State, and local programs; and "(3) to provide State educational agencies and eligible entities receiving a subgrant under this subpart, directly or through a grant or contract with an organization with experience in the development and operation of successful family literacy services, technical assistance to ensure that local evaluations undertaken under section 1235(15) provide accurate information on the effectiveness of programs assisted under this subpart. 20 USC 6381i. "SEC. 1240. INDICATORS OF PROGRAM QUALITY. "Each State educational agency receiving funds under this subpart shall develop, based on the best available research and evaluation data, indicators of program quality for programs assisted under this subpart. The indicators shall be used to monitor, evaluate, and improve those programs within the State. The indicators shall include the following: "(1) With respect to eligible participants in a program who are adults— "(A) achievement in the areas of reading, writing, English-language acquisition, problem solving, and numeracy; "(B) receipt of a secondary school diploma or a general equivalency diploma (GED); "(C) entry into a postsecondary school, job retraining program, or employment or career advancement, including the military; and "(D) such other indicators as the State may develop. "(2) With respect to eligible participants in a program who are children— "(A) improvement in ability to read on grade level or reading readiness; "(B) school attendance; "(C) grade retention and promotion; and "(D) such other indicators as the State may develop. 20 USC 6381J. "SEC. 1241. RESEARCH. "(a) IN GENERAL. —The Secretary shall carry out, through grant or contract, research into the components of successful family literacy services, in order to—