Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 115 Part 3.djvu/29

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PUBLIC LAW 107-114-^AN. 8, 2002 115 STAT. 2103 "(A) IN GENERAL.— An individual assigned to serve as a judge of the Family Court of the Superior Court who is serving as a judge of the Superior Court on the date of the enactment of the District of Columbia Family Court Act of 2001 shall serve for a term of not fewer than 3 years. "(B) REDUCTION OF PERIOD FOR JUDGES SERVING IN FAMILY DIVISION.— In the case of a judge of the Superior Court who is serving as a judge in the Family Division of the Court on the date of the enactment of the District of Columbia Family Court Act of 2001, the 3-year term applicable under subparagraph (A) shall be reduced by the length of any period of consecutive service as a judge in such Division immediately preceding the date of the enactment of such Act. "(3) ASSIGNMENT FOR ADDITIONAL SERVICE.—After the term of service of a judge of the Family Court (as described in paragraph (1)) expires, at the judge's request and with the approval of the chief judge, the judge may be assigned for additional service on the Family Court for a period of such duration (consistent with section 431(c) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act) as the chief judge may provide. "(4) PERMITTING SERVICE ON FAMILY COURT FOR ENTIRE TERM.— At the request of the judge and with the approval of the chief judge, a judge may serve as a judge of the Family Court for the judge's entire term of service as a judge of the Superior Court under section 431(c) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act. "(d) REASSIGNMENT TO OTHER DIVISIONS.— The chief judge may reassign a judge of the Family Court to any division of the Superior Court if the chief judge determines that in the interest of justice the judge is unable to continue serving in the Family Court.". (b) PLAN FOR FAMILY COURT TRANSITION.— (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 90 days after the date Deadline, of the enactment of this Act, the chief judge of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia shall prepare and submit to the President and Congress a transition plan for the Family Court of the Superior Court, and shall include in the plan the following: (A) The chief judge's determination of the role and function of the presiding judge of the Family Court. (B) The chief judge's determination of the number of judges needed to serve on the Family Court. (C) The chief judge's determination of the number of magistrate judges of the Family Court needed for appointment under section 11-1732, District of Columbia Code. (D) The chief judge's determination of the appropriate functions of such magistrate judges, together with the compensation of and other personnel matters pertaining to such magistrate judges. (E) A plan for case flow, case management, and staffing needs (including the needs for both judicial and nonjudicial personnel) for the Family Court, including a description of how the Superior Court will handle the one family, one judge requirement pursuant to section ll-1104(a) for all cases and proceedings assigned to the Family Court.