Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 116 Part 2.djvu/417

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PUBLIC LAW 107-217—AUG. 21, 2002 116 STAT. 1199 Beginning at a point on the southwest comer of the intersection of Fourteenth Street and Pennsylvania Avenue (formerly E Street), Northwest; thence south along the western side of Fourteenth Street to the northwest corner of the intersection of Fourteenth Street and Constitution Avenue, Northwest; thence east along the northern side of Constitution Avenue to the northeast comer of the intersection of Twelfth Street and Constitution Avenue, Northwest; thence north along the eastern side of Twelfth Street and Constitution Avenue, Northwest; thence north along the eastern side of Twelfth Street to the southeast corner of the intersection of Twelfth Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, Northwest; thence west along the southern side of Pennsylvania Avenue to the point of beginning. (2) FEDERAL TRIANGLE PROPERTY.—The term "Federal Tri- Eingle property" means— (A) the property owned by the Federal Government in the District of Columbia, known as the "Great Plaza" site, which consists of squares 256, 257, 258, parts of squares 259 and 260, and adjacent closed rights-of-way as shown on plate IV of the King Plats of 1803 located in the Office of the Surveyor of the District of Columbia; and (B) except for purposes of section 6733(a) of this title, any property the Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation acquired under section 3(b) of the Federal Triangle Development Act (Public Law 100-113, 101 Stat. 736). § 6732. Federal Triangle development area The Federal Triangle development area is deemed to be part of the development area described in section 6711 of this title. The Administrator of General Services has the same authority over the Federal Triangle development Eirea as over the development area described in section 6711. § 6733. Federal Triangle property (a) TITLE.— Title to the Federal Triangle property reverts to the Administrator of General Services not later than the date on which ownership of the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center vests in the Federal Government. (b) NONAPPLICABILITY OF CERTAIN LAWS. — (1) BUILDING PERMITS AND INSPECTION.— For purposes of development of the Federal Triangle property, the person selected to develop the property is not subject to any state or local law relating to building permits and inspection. (2) TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS.—The property and improvements to the property are not subject to real and personed property taxation or to special assessments. §6734. Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center (a) ESTABLISHMENT AND DESIGNATION.—The building constructed on the Federal Triangle property shall be known and designated as the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center. (b) TITLE. —The person selected to develop the Federal Triangle property may own the Building for not more than 35 years from 99-194O-03 -14:QL3Part2