Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 116 Part 3.djvu/417

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PUBLIC LAW 107-282—NOV. 6, 2002 116 STAT. 2009 (III) reserve 10 percent for use by the Clark County Department of Aviation for airport development and noise compatibility programs. (d) EFFECTIVE DATE. —Subsections (b) and (c) shall not take effect until construction of the Ivanpah Valley Airport is approved in accordance with Public Law 106-362. SEC. 502. AREA OF CRITICAL ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN SEGREGA- TION. (a) TEMPORARY WITHDRAWAL.— Subject to valid existing rights, any Federal land in an Area of Critical Environmental Concern that is designated for withdrawal under the 1998 Las Vegas Resource Management Plan, and which is not already withdrawn by the effect of this or any other Act, is hereby withdrawn from location, entry, and patent under the mining laws for a period not to exceed five years. The withdrawal shall lapse at the earlier— (1) five years; or (2) when the Secretary issues a final decision on each proposed withdrawal. (b) ADMINISTRATIVE WITHDRAWAL.—The Secretary shall make final decisions on each of the temporary withdrawals described in subsection (a) within five years of the date of enactment of this Act. Such decisions shall be made consistent with the Federal Land Policy and Management Act (43 U.S.C. 1714), and in accordance with the 1998 Las Vegas Resource Management Plan. (c) MINERAL REPORT.— The mineral reports required by section 204(c)(12) of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act shall be the responsibility of the United States Geological Survey and shall be completed for each of the temporary withdrawals described in subsection (a) within four years of the date of enactment of this Act. Deadline. Deadline. TITLE VI—SLOAN CANYON NATIONAL CONSERVATION AREA SEC. 601. SHORT TITLE. This title may be cited as the "Sloan Canyon National Conservation Area Act". SEC. 602. PURPOSE. The purpose of this title is to establish the Sloan Canyon National Conservation Area to conserve, protect, and enhance for the benefit and enjoyment of present and future generations the cultural, archaeological, natural, wilderness, scientific, geological, historical, biological, wildlife, educational, and scenic resources of the Conservation Area. SEC. 603. DEFINITIONS. In this title: (1) CONSERVATION AREA.— The term "Conservation Area" means the Sloan Canyon National Conservation Area established by section 604(a). (2) FEDERAL PARCEL.—The term "Federal parcel" means the parcel of Federal land consisting of approximately 500 acres that is identified as Tract A on the map entitled "Southern Sloan Canyon National Conservation Area Act. 16 USC 460qqq note. 16 USC 460qqq. 16 USC 460qqq-l.