Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 116 Part 3.djvu/708

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116 STAT. 2300 PUBLIC LAW 107-296—NOV. 25, 2002 training from the United States Government and have apphed for Federal positions are considered in all recruitment and hiring initiatives of Federal departments, bureaus, agencies, and offices; and (B) advertise and open all Federal positions to United States citizens who have incurred service obligations with the United States Government as the result of receiving financial support for education and training from the United States Government. (b) FULFILLMENT OF SERVICE REQUIREMENT IF NATIONAL SECU- RITY POSITIONS ARE UNAVAILABLE.— Section 802(b)(2) of the David L. Boren National Security Education Act of 1991 (50 U.S.C. 1902) is amended— (1) in subparagraph (A), by striking clause (ii) and inserting the following: "(ii) if the recipient demonstrates to the Secretary (in accordance with such regulations) that no national security position in an agency or office of the Federal Government having national security responsibilities is available, work in other offices or agencies of the Federal Government or in the field of higher education in a discipline relating to the foreign country, foreign language, area study, or international field of study for which the scholarship was awarded, for a period specified by the Secretary, which period shall be determined in accordance with clause (i); or"; and (2) in subparagraph (B), by striking clause (ii) and inserting the following: "(ii) if the recipient demonstrates to the Secretary (in accordance with such regulations) that no national security position is available upon the completion of the degree, work in other offices or agencies of the Federal Government or in the field of higher education in a discipline relating to foreign country, foreign language, area study, or international field of study for which the fellowship was awarded, for a period specified by the Secretary, which period shall be determined in accordance with clause (i); and". Arming Pilots Against Terrorism Act. TITLE XIV- -ARMING PILOTS AGAINST TERRORISM 49 USC 40101 note. SEC. 1401. SHORT TITLE. This title may be cited as the "Arming Pilots Against Terrorism Act". SEC. 1402. FEDERAL FLIGHT DECK OFFICER PROGRAM. (a) IN GENERAL.— Subchapter I of chapter 449 of title 49, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following: "§ 44921. Federal flight deck officer program "(a) ESTABLISHMENT.—The Under Secretary of Transportation for Security shall establish a program to deputize volunteer pilots of air carriers providing passenger air transportation or intrastate passenger air transportation as Federal law enforcement officers to defend the flight decks of aircraft of such air carriers against