Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 116 Part 4.djvu/50

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116 STAT. 2478 PUBLIC LAW 107-314—DEC. 2, 2002 as part of an integrated, overall Office of the Secretary of Defense strategy for acquisition of unmanned aerial vehicles, such as that provided in the approved Office of the Secretary of Defense unmanned aerial vehicle roadmap. (c) SUGGESTIONS FOR CHANGES IN LAW. —The Secretary shall also include in the report under subsection (a) such suggestions as the Secretary considers appropriate for changes in law that would facilitate the way the Department acquires unmanned aerial vehicle systems. SEC. 143. GLOBAL INFORMATION GRID SYSTEM. None of the funds authorized to be appropriated by this Act for the Department of Defense system known as the Global Information Grid may be obligated until the Secretary of Defense submits to the congressional defense committees a plan to provide that, as part of the bandwidth expansion efforts for the system, the system will be designed and configured so as to ensure that information transmitted within the system is secure and protected from unauthorized access. TITLE II- ~- R ESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT, TEST, AND EVALUATION Subtitle A—Authorization of Appropriations Sec. 201. Authorization of appropriations. Sec. 202. Amount for defense science and technology. Sec. 203. Defense health programs. Subtitle B—Program Requirements, Restrictions, and Limitations Sec. 211. RAH-66 Comanche aircraft program. Sec. 212. Extension of requirements relating to management responsibility for naval mine countermeasures programs. Sec. 213. Revised requirements for plan for Manufactiuing Technology Program. Sec. 214. Advanced SEAL Delivery System. Sec. 215. Army experimentation program regarding design of the objective force. Sec. 216. Program to provide Army with self-propelled Future CTombat Systems non-line-of-sight cannon indirect fire capability for the objective force. Sec. 217. Prohibition on transfer of Medical Free Electron Laser program. Sec. 218. Littoral combat ship program. Subtitle C—Ballistic Missile Defense Sec. 221. Report requirements relating to ballistic missile defense programs. Sec. 222. Responsibility of Missile Defense Agency for research, development, test, and evaluation related to system improvements of programs transferred to military departments. Sec. 223. Limitation on obligation of funds for Theater High Altitude Area Defense Program pending submission of required life-cycle cost information. Sec. 224. Provision of information on flight testing of Ground-based Midcourse National Missile Defense system. Sec. 225. References to new name for Ballistic Missile Defense Organization. Sec. 226. One-year limitation on use of funds for nuclear armed interceptors. Subtitle D—Improved Management of Department of Defense Test and Evaluation Facilities Sec. 231. Department of Defense Test Resource Management Center. Sec. 232. Objective for institutional funding of test and evaluation facilities. Sec. 233. Uniform financial management system for Department of Defense test and evaluation facilities. Sec. 234. Test and evaluation workforce improvements. Sec. 235. Compliance with testing requirements. Subtitle E—Other Matters Sec. 241. Pilot programs for revitalizing Department of Defense laboratories.