Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/300

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270 THIRTY-SEVENTH CON GRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 9. 1861. _every twenty miles of travel from his place of enrolment to the place of muster—the distance to be measured by the shortest usually travelled route; and when honorably discharged an allowance at the same rate, from the place of his discharge to_his place of enrolment, and, in addition thereto, if he shall have served for a period of two years, or during the Pxcviso. -war, if sooner ended, the sum of one hundred dollars: Provided, That such of the companies of cavalry herein provided for as may require it, may be furnished with horses and horse equipments ih the same manner as in the United States army. Provision for Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That any volunteer who may be vdupgeam d_ received into the service of the United States under this act, and who may QQ12d,:, QQ,,:,?),. be wounded or otherwise disabled in the service, shall be entitled to the dying in service. benedts which have been or may be conferred on persons disabled in the Pm_ ,,_ 535 rplgular service, and the widow, if there be one, and if not, the legal heirs o such as die or may be killed in service in addition to all arrears of a and allowancds, shall receive the sum of cine hundred dollars. P y mgzltgagog. · (Seto. 7. ge it farther; empcted, Thaglfhp lnands o;` the {regiments of » in an ry an o e remmen s o cavary a e pai as ollows: onefourth of each shall rdceive the pay and allowances of sergeants of engineer soldiers; one-fourth those of corporals of engineer soldiers; and thelrtgmmning half those of privates of engineer soldiers of the first class; an the eaders of the band shall receive the same a and emoluments second lieutenants of infantry. P y as wdgoncm and Sec. 8. And be it further enacted That the wa oners and saddlers ’“dd °'“· &°· shall receive the pay and allowances df corporals of davalry. The regi- Pw. P· 594· mental commissary-sergeant shall receive the pay and allowances of regimental sergeant-major, and the regimental quartermaster-sergeant shall receive the pay and allowances of a. sergeant of cavalry. wpmkmmgt Sec. 9. And be ‘I:t·_}qL7‘t}I.67' enacted That there shall be allowed to each mm regiment one chaplain, who shall be appointed by the regimental com- A££°;n-tmsut, mander on the vote of the- field ofllcers and company commanders on duty qua canons, with the regiment at the time the appointment shall be made The h - and dunes. - · _ , _ _ · ° ep lain so appointed must be a regular ordained mimster of a Christian wfwit PP- 288. denomination, and shall receive the pay and allowances of a captain of · cavalrykaind ma: pe required] tp report to the colonel commanding the revtmen o w 10 e is attac e at the end f h th and religious condition of the regiment, and suhh gdggegiidhiseiih mhynddiii duce to the social happiness and moral improvement of the troops. f°Milit¤r-yboml Sec. 10. And be dtfurther enacted That the general commanding a °,.'°:;":l;';£:;‘:, separate department or a detached army, is hereby authorized to appoint omcm of whm. a military board or commission, _0f not less than three nor more than five Wm- officers, whose duty it shall be to examine the capacity, qualiiioations, propnety ot: conduct and efliciency of any commissioned officer of volunteers within his department or army, who may be reported to the board or comwpgeplt c53d- mission; and upon such report, if adverse to such officer, and if approved ‘l’° by the President of the United States, the commission of such officer shall Promo. lpleczabcggidaofihumled alwayi, That IQO officer shall be eligible to sit on I commission w 1ose ran or romotion ldb V _ ’ attected by 1tS preceedingé, and two membgrs at leastlwduprdztdchhlgadllad wmgizryngggm psroglpemlad zgnglpi the officer lilelng examined. And when vacancies ochow mm, companies o vo untcers an el t' h ll b ll In "gimmm the colonel of the regiment to till such vdcanciedfdhd lh; mdnctfedahh mms. company shall vote mltbenr respective companies for all officers as high (mms hm Zgutipggin, gpd yiacancies above captain shall be filled by the votes of the ,,,,,,,é,,,,,,;,,;,,,_§3 commissiggcd gy xgrgigggvgegment, and fallboiliécers so elected shall be ,c . , . S overn ·_ P<;t,p. 818. dent of the United States. Om 0 { 8 mes' or by me Prem 1 *I o ,_m°;;?g°é:',;y°* in SiCé;}: A11? if 1Q]/itrther enacted That all letters written by soldiers vice o the mted States, may be transmitted through the mails