Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/454

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424 THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 98. 1862. lots of land from said sale ; and any purchaser, under the same, having paid moneys, Treasury notes, or other certificates of indebtedness of the United States, shall, upon such redemption being made, be entitled to have the same, with the interest accruing after said sale, returned to him Redeugpticp by the said commissioners, upon surrendering up the certificates of sale : Whm °'”*°"“ “And ovided further That if the owner of said lots of ground shall be minor, or under .pr ’ . ’ . . . disability_ a mmm-, a mm-resndent ahem, or, loxal cmzeu beyopd seas, a person OE unsound mind, or under s legal dxsabxhty, the gunxdmn, trustee, or other person having charge of the person or estate of such person may redeem Certihgm of the same at any time within two years after the sale thereof, in the man- §¢>¤¤¤¤{=*¤°¤i2· ner above provided, and with like eH`ect: And provided, further, Tha; p§,;§e°f° the oertificato of said commissioners shall only be affected as evidence of the regularity and validity of sale by establishing the fact that said prop— erty was not subject to taxes or that the taxes had been paid previous to sale, or that the property haul been redeemed according to the provisions Funnel. time of this act. fcrrcdeugpdon Ssc. 8. And be it jiarllzer enacted, That at any time within one year xgés °“" after the said sale by said commissioners, any person being the owner of any lot or parcel of ground at the passage of this act, who shall, by suf'- ficicnt evidence, prove to the satisfaction of said board of commissioners that he or she, after the passage of this act, has not taken part in the present insurrection against the United States, or in any manner aided or abetted the same; and that, by reason of said insurrection, he or she has been unable to pay said tax, or to redeem said lands from sale within the time above provided for the said board of commissioners ma allow him or ber further time to redeem the same, not exceeding two ycgs from the day of sale; and for this purpose they may take the testimony of witnesses, and shall reduce the same to writing; and the United States, or any person claiming an interest in said lands, may appear and oppose the Either party said application. From their decision the United States or any party in m°·Y “PP°*r interest may appeal to the district court of the United States for said district, which is hereby authorized to take jurisdiction of the same, as in Juyigdiqdqy or other cases jnvolving the equity of redemption. And in case said board g°¤£:ts¤‘¤l d¤¤‘¤¤* of commissioners should, for any cause, cease to act before the expiration ' of one year after said sales, the said district court shall have original Jurisdiction of thelprocecding for redemption, as herein provided, to take Wh p121§e beg0reAtl:a;:1d board of commissioners. _ ¤u¤¤mmis· Ec. . n 12 further enacted That in cases where th f mfmw :.3* sail} lots and parcels of ground have abandoned the same, axidolxvggesncot mu. pald the tax thereon as provided for in the third section of this act, nor paid ths same, nor redeemed the said land from sale as provided for m the seveoth section of this act, and the said board of commissioners shall be satxsfledl that said owners have left the same to join the rebel forces or otherwise to engage m and abet this rebellion, and the same shsll have been struck off to the United States at said sale, the said commnssxoners hall, m the name of the United States, enter upon and take puma0n_ gm, possessxon of the same, and may lease the same, together or in parcels, to or lease. any person or persons vsjho axle citizens of the United States, or may have declared on·t.he1l· intention to become such, until the said rebellion and insurrection m sand State shall be put down, and the civil authority of the Umteli States established, and until the people of said State shall shectcg Legislature and Stste ofllccrs, who shall take an oath to support tl e fustxtutwn lof the Un1ted_States, to be announced by the proclamaxog F the Presxlient, and unul the I-irs: day of March next thereafter, sm teafses lo be m snob form and wzth such security as shall, in the judg· Eiga`; sand commxssxouers, produce to the United States the greatest Conditions of, $,,6, and mm fr SE;. 10. Aged be zt further enacted, That the said commissioners Shall occupancy. om une to tune make such temporary rules and regulations, and insert