Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/385

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12 2 STA T .36 2 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 1 8 1 —J A N .28 , 2008 an n u a lcompe n s a ti on ( e x clu d in g expenses ) speci f ied in sec - tion 102 of title 3.’ ’. SEC.1 11 7 . R E PO R T O N EST ABLI S HM ENT O F A SCHOLARSHIP PRO G RAM FOR CI V ILIAN MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS. (a) REPORT RE QUI RE D . —N ot late r t h an1 8 0da y s after the date of the enactment of this A ct , the S ecretary of D efense shall, in consultation w ith the Assistant Secretary of Defense for H ealth Affairs and each of the Surgeons G eneral of the Armed F orces, su b mit to C ongress a report on the feasibility and ad v isability of establishing a scholarship program for civilian mental health professionals. (b) EL E M E N T S .— T he report shall include the following

(1) An assessment of a potential scholarship program that provides certain educational funding to students see k ing a career in mental health services in exchange for service in the Department of Defense. (2) An assessment of current scholarship programs which may be expanded to include mental health professionals. (3) Recommendations regarding the establishment or expansion of scholarship programs for mental health profes- sionals. ( 4 ) A plan to implement, or reasons for not implementing, recommendations that will increase mental health staffing across the Department of Defense. TI T LEX II —MA TTE RS RELATI NG T OF OREIGN NATIONS Subti t leA— A s sist anc ean dTr ainin g Sec .120 1. M ilitar y- t o - m ilitary contacts and com p arable acti v ities. Sec. 1202. Aut h ority f or support of military operations to combat terrorism. Sec. 120 3 . Medical care and temporary duty travel e x penses for liaison officers of certain foreign nations. Sec. 120 4 . E xtension and expansion of D epartment of Defense authority to partici- pate in multinational military centers of excellence. Sec. 120 5 . R eauthori z ation of C ommanders ’ Emergency Response P rogram. Sec. 120 6 . Authority to build the capacity of the Pa k istan F rontier Corps. Sec. 120 7 . Authority to e q uip and train foreign personnel to assist in accounting for missing U nited States G overnment personnel. Sec. 120 8 . Authority to provide automatic identification system data on maritime shipping to foreign countries and international organizations. Sec. 120 9 . Report on foreign-assistance related programs carried out by the Depart- ment of Defense. Sec. 1210. Extension and enhancement of authority for security and stabilization assistance. Sec. 1211. Government Accountability O ffice report on Global Peace Operations I ni- tiative. Sec. 1212. Repeal of limitations on military assistance under the American Servicemembers’ Protection Act of 2002. Subtitle B —Matters Relating to Iraq and Afghanistan Sec. 1221. Modification of authorities relating to the Office of the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction. Sec. 1222. L imitation on availability of funds for certain purposes relating to Iraq. Sec. 1223. Report on United States policy and military operations in Iraq. Sec. 1224. Report on a comprehensive set of performance indicators and measures for progress to w ard military and political stability in Iraq. Sec. 1225. Report on support from Iran for attacks against coalition forces in Iraq. Sec. 1226. Sense of Congress on the consequences of a failed state in Iraq. Sec. 1227. Sense of Congress on federalism in Iraq. Sec. 1228. Tracking and monitoring of defense articles provided to the Government of Iraq and other individuals and groups in Iraq.