Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4134

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12 2 STA T .4 111 PUBLIC LA W 11 0–387—O CT. 10 , 2008 Sec.408 . Provis io n o f co mp re h ensive he alt h care by Secretary of V eterans A ffairs to chil d ren of Vietnam veterans born w ith Spina B ifida. Sec. 40 9 . Ex emption from copayment re qu irement for veterans receivin g hospice care. TI T L EV — PAI NC A R E Sec. 5 0 1 . Comprehensive policy on pain management. TITLE VI— HOM ELESS VETERANS MATTERS Sec. 6 01. Increased authori z ation of appropriations for comprehensive service pro - grams. Sec. 60 2 . Expansion and extension of authority for program of referral and coun- seling services for at-ris k veterans transitioning from certain institu- tions. Sec. 60 3 . Permanent authority for domiciliary services for homeless veterans and enhancement of capacity of domiciliary care programs for female vet- erans. Sec. 604. F inancial assistance for supportive services for very low-income veteran families in permanent housing. TITLE VII—A U THORI Z ATION OF ME D ICAL FACILIT Y PRO J ECTS AND MAJOR MEDICAL FACILITY LEASES Sec. 7 01. Authorization for fiscal year 2009 ma j or medical facility projects. Sec. 702. Modification of authorization amounts for certain major medical facility construction projects previously authorized. Sec. 703. Authorization of fiscal year 2009 major medical facility leases. Sec. 704. Authorization of appropriations. Sec. 705. Increase in threshold for major medical facility leases requiring Congres- sional approval. Sec. 706. Conveyance of certain non-Federal land by City of Aurora , Colorado, to Secretary of Veterans Affairs for construction of veterans medical facil- ity. Sec. 707. Report on facilities administration. Sec. 708. Annual report on outpatient clinics. Sec. 709. Name of Department of Veterans Affairs spinal cord injury center, Tampa, Florida. TITLE VIII—E X TENSION OF CERTAIN AUTHORITIES Sec. 801. Repeal of sunset on inclusion of noninstitutional extended care services in definition of medical services. Sec. 802. Extension of recovery audit authority. Sec. 803. Permanent authority for provision of hospital care, medical services, and nursing home care to veterans who participated in certain chemical and biological testing conducted by the Department of Defense. Sec. 804. Extension of expiring collections authorities. Sec. 805. Extension of nursing home care. Sec. 806. Permanent authority to establish research corporations. Sec. 807. Extension of requirement to submit annual report on the Committee on Care of Severely Chronically Mentally Ill Veterans. Sec. 808. Permanent requirement for biannual report on W omen ’ s Advisory Com- mittee. Sec. 809. Extension of pilot program on improvement of caregiver assistance serv- ices. TITLE IX—OTHER MATTERS Sec. 901. Technical amendments. SEC.2 . R E F ERE N CES TO T I T L E 38,U NITE D ST A TES CODE. Exceptaso t h e rwi se express ly pro v i d ed , whe n ever in this A ct ana m endment or repeal is expressed in terms o f an amendment to, or repeal of, a section or other provision, the reference shall b e considered to be made to a section or other provision of title 38 , U nited S tates C ode .