Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/1441

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123STA T . 1 4 21 PUBLIC LA W 111 – 11 —M A R .3 0, 200 9(A)$13,750 ,000 forthe re gi o nalc enter s ,of w hich 50 p ercent shall b e for W est C oast regional centers an d 50 percent shall be for E ast Coast regional centers

and ( B ) $5,500,000 for the N ational T echnolog yI nstit u te; ( 2 ) for fiscal year 2010 — (A) $15,125,000 for the regional centers, of which 50 percent shall be for West Coast regional centers and 50 percent shall be for East Coast regional centers; and (B) $ 6 ,050,000 for the National Technology Institute; (3) for fiscal year 2011— (A) $16,63 8 ,000 for the regional centers, of which 50 percent shall be for West Coast regional centers and 50 percent shall be for East Coast regional centers; and (B) $6,655,000 for the National Technology Institute; ( 4 ) for fiscal year 2012— (A) $18,301,000 for the regional centers, of which 50 percent shall be for West Coast regional centers and 50 percent shall be for East Coast regional centers; and (B) $7,321,000 for the National Technology Institute; (5) for fiscal year 2013— (A) $20,131,000 for the regional centers, of which 50 percent shall be for West Coast regional centers and 50 percent shall be for East Coast regional centers; and (B) $8,053,000 for the National Technology Institute; (6) for fiscal year 2014— (A) $22,145,000 for the regional centers, of which 50 percent shall be for West Coast regional centers and 50 percent shall be for East Coast regional centers; and (B) $8,85 9 ,000 for the National Technology Institute; and (7) for fiscal year 2015— (A) $24,359,000 for the regional centers, of which 50 percent shall be for West Coast regional centers and 50 percent shall be for East Coast regional centers; and (B) $9,744,000 for the National Technology Institute .Subti t leB—Oc e an an dCo a s tal M a p pin gI nteg r ation A ct SEC.12 2 0 1.S HORT T I T L E. This subtitle m ay be cited as the ‘ ‘ O cean and Coastal M apping Integration Act ’ ’. SEC. 12202. EST AB LISH M E N TO FP RO G RAM. (a) I NGE NE RAL .—The P resident, in coordination with the Inter - agency Committee on Ocean and Coastal Mapping and affected coastal states, shall establish a program to de v elop a coordinated and comprehensive F ederal ocean and coastal mapping plan for the Great L a k es and coastal state waters, the territorial sea, the e x clusive economic z one, and the continental shelf of the U nited S tates that enhances ecosystem approaches in decision-making for conservation and management of marine resources and habitats, establishes research and mapping priorities, supports the siting of research and other platforms, and advances ocean and coastal science. Presid e nt.3 3 USC 3 501 . 33 USC 3501 n o te. Oc e a n and Coasta lM a p pin gI ntegration A ct.