Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/2023

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123STA T . 2 0 03 PUBLIC LA W 111 –65— S E PT. 30 , 200 9PublicLaw1 11 –65 111 thCongres s A n Act Topr o videf or th e aw ardofa g o l d m edal o nb ehalf of C ongre s sto A rnold P almer in re c ognition of his service to the N ation in promoting e x cellence and good sportsmanship in golf .Beit e nac te dby t h e S enate and Hous eo fR e pr esentati v es of the U nited States of Am erica in C on g ress assemb l ed ,SECTION1.F IN D IN G S. Congres s fi n d s th efo l lo w ing


rnold Pa l m er is a world famo u s golf p rofessional , a highl y su c cessful b usiness e x ecuti v e, a prominent advertising spo k esman, a devoted husband, father, and grandfather, and a man with a common touch that has made him one of the most popular and accessible public figures in history . ( 2 ) Arnold Palmer amassed 9 2 championships in profes - sional competition of national or international stature by the end of 199 3 , 6 2 of which came on the Professional G olf Associa- tion T our. (3) Arnold Palmer ’ s magnetic personality and unfailing sense of kindness and thoughtfulness have endeared him to millions throughout the world. ( 4 ) Arnold Palmer has been the recipient of countless honors including virtually every national award in golf and both the H ickok Athlete of the Y ear and S ports I llustrated’s Sportsman of the Year awards, and he was chosen Athlete of the D ecade for the 196 0 s in a national Associated Press poll. ( 5 ) Arnold Palmer has received numerous honors outside the world of sports, including the Patriot Award of the Congres- sional M edal of Honor Society, the Golden Plate award of the American Academy of Achievement, and the U nited States N avy Memorial L one Sailor Award. (6) Arnold Palmer was honored by the United States Golf Association with the opening of the Arnold Palmer Center for Golf History on J une 3rd 200 8 . ( 7 ) Arnold Palmer served his country for 3 years in the United States Coast Guard and was among those chosen to address the Joint Session of Congress on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of President Dwight D. E isen- hower. (8) Arnold Palmer served as Honorary National Chairman of the March of Dimes B irth Defects F oundation for 20 years and played a ma j or role in the fund-raising drive that led to the creation of the Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children 31USC5 111 note. Se p t.3 0,2 00 9[H . R .12 4 3 ]