Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/2437

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123STA T . 2 4 1 7PUBLIC LA W 111 –8 4 —O CT. 28 , 2 0 0 9ofDe fe ns e ,i n clud in gr eco m mended legisl at i v e or regulator y c h anges, resulting from the revie w.( e )NATION A LAC A DEMY O FPUB LIC ADMINI S T R ATION ASSESS - MENT. — ( 1 ) Not later than 30 days after the com p letion of the review, the S ecretary of Defense shall enter into an arrange- ment with the National Academy of Pu b lic Administration to assess the findings and recommendations of the review. ( 2 ) Not later than 210 days after the completion of the review, the National Academy of Public Administration shall provide its assessment of the review to the Secretary, along with such additional recommendations as the National Academy may have. (3) Not later than 30 days after receiving the assessment, the Secretary shall provide the assessment, along with such comments as the Secretary considers appropriate, to the C ommittees on Armed Services of the Senate and the H ouse of R epresentatives. SEC.834 . R E VI E WOF FE D ER AL AC QU ISI T IO N WOR K FORCE TRAININ G AND H IRING. (a) COM P TROLLER G ENERAL REPORT ON T H EGO V ERNMENT- W IDE AC Q UISITION W OR K FORCE DEVELOPMENT STRATE G IC PLAN.—Not later than 1 8 0 days after the Ac q uisition Wor k force Development Strategic Plan required by section 8 69 of the Duncan Hunter National Defense Authori z ation Act for F iscal Y ear 2009 (Public L aw 110 –4 1 7; 122 Stat. 4 5 53) is completed, the Comptroller General of the U nited States shall submit to the relevant committees of Congress a report on the Plan. (b) M ATTERS COVERED.— T he report required under subsection (a) shall include assessments of the following

(1) The methodologies used to formulate the Acquisition Workforce Development Strategic Plan and its recommenda- tions. (2) The e x tent to which the Acquisition Workforce Develop- ment Strategic Plan addresses previously identified short- comings in the acquisition workforce and prior efforts by agen- cies to develop acquisition workforce plans, including the strate- gies used to identify and hire acquisition personnel. (3) The feasibility of the Acquisition Workforce Develop- ment Strategic Plan ’ s recommendations and associated time frames for implementation, particularly as they relate to the development of a sustainable funding model and the applica- bility of the Defense Acquisition Workforce Development Fund model to civilian agencies. (4) The extent to which the Acquisition Workforce Develop- ment Strategic Plan considered the use by agencies of contractor personnel to supplement the acquisition workforce. (5) Whether the Acquisition Workforce Development Stra- tegic Plan considered the full range of laws, regulations, and policies that currently apply to the acquisition workforce. (6) The extent to which the Acquisition Workforce Develop- ment Strategic Plan considered the specific training and reten- tion tools (whether located within or outside an agency) used to professionally develop and retain acquisition personnel, including the following: (A) The Defense Acquisition University. Deadlin e s.