Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/570

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123STA T .5 5 0PUBLIC LA W 111 –8—M A R .11 , 200 9NUTRI TI O N P RO G R AMS A D MINISTRATION Fornec e s s a r y a dmi nis t rati v ee xp enses o f t h e Food and Nu tri - tion S ervice for carryin g out any domestic nutrition assistance program ,$142 , 59 5, 0 00 .TI T LEV F OR EI G N A SSISTAN C EAN D RELATED P ROGRA M S FOR E IGN AGRI C U L TURAL SER V ICE SALARIES AND E X PENSES ( INCLUDING TRANS F ERS OF FUNDS ) For necessary expenses of the Foreign Agricu l tural Service, including not to exceed $15 8 ,000 for representation allo w ances and for expenses pursuant to section 8 of the Act approved August 3 , 195 6(7U .S.C. 1766 ) , $165,436,000


d, That the Service may utili z e advances of funds, or reim b urse this appropriation for expenditures made on behalf of Federal agencies, public and private organizations and institutions under agreements executed pursuant to the agricultural food production assistance programs (7 U.S.C. 1737) and the foreign assistance programs of the United States Agency for International Development: Provided fu r th er, That funds made available for the cost of agreements under title I of the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954 and for title I ocean freight differential may be used inter- changeably between the two accounts with prior notice to the Committees on Appropriations of both H ouses of Congress. PU B LIC LA W480 TITLE I DIRECT CREDIT AND FOOD FOR PROGRESS PROGRAM ACCOUNT (INCLUDING TRANSFERS OF FUNDS) For administrative expenses to carry out the credit program of title I, Public Law 83 – 480 and the Food for Progress Act of 1985, $2,736,000, to be transferred to and merged with the appro- priation for ‘ ‘Farm Service Agency, Salaries and Expenses ’ ’. PUBLIC LAW 480 TITLE II GRANTS For expenses during the current fiscal year, not otherwise recoverable, and unrecovered prior years’ costs, including interest thereon, under the Food for Peace Act, for commodities supplied in connection with dispositions abroad under title II of said Act, $1,225,900,000, to remain available until expended. COMMODIT Y CREDIT CORPORATION EXPORT LOANS PROGRAM ACCOUNT (INCLUDING TRANSFERS OF FUNDS) For administrative expenses to carry out the Commodity Credit Corporation’s export guarantee program, GSM 102 and GSM 103, $5,333,000

to cover common overhead expenses as permitted by section 11 of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act and in conformity with the Federal Credit Reform Act of 1990, of which Notif i ca tio n.