Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/181

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THIRTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS Sess. I. Ch. 147. 1864. 153 War Department. — For compensation of the Secretary of War, Assist- War Departant Secretaries of War, solicitor, chief clerk, and the clerks, messenger, '“°“"‘ assistant messengers, and laborer in his office, sixty-six thousand three hundred and eighty dollars. For compensation of the clerks and messengers in the office of the _ Ofliec ofadadjutant-general, two hundred and twenty-three thousand nine hundred ·l°l"°t'g°°°"l; and twenty dollars. For compensation of the clerks, messengers, assistant messengers, and of q¤:;S*fm¤¤· laborers, in the office of the quartermaster-general, three hundred and m`g°° ’ ninety thousand one hundred and sixty dollars. For compensation of the clerks and messengers in the office of the 0l’w¤$*¤¤· paymaster-general, two hundred and fifty-Eve thousand two hundred g°°° ’ dollars. For compensation of the clerks, messenger, and laborers in the office ofcommissm-y. of the commissary-general, eighty-five thousand six hundred and forty g°“°"‘li dollars. For compensation of the clerks, messenger, and laborer in the oftlce of of ¤¤rg¤<>¤· the surgeon-general, forty-three thousand eight hundred and forty dol- g°"°'“l* lars. For compensation of the clerks, messengers, and laborer in the office or chiefengiof the chief engineer, twenty-eight thousand eight hundred and eighty ¤°°’i dollars. For compensation of the clerks and messenger in the office of the ofcolonel or colonel of ordnance, one hundred and seventy-two thousand and forty °"‘l“°“°°‘ dollars. Oontiugent Expenses of the War Department. C<>¤l>i¤§*m BX- Oilice of the Secretary of War: l°°r6s§§;9 of Sw For stationery, labor, books, maps, extra clerk-hire, and miscellaneous retary of War; items, twenty thousand dollars. Office of the Adjutant-General : of adyitant- For stationery and miscellaneous items, fifteen thousand dollars.- g°“°“* i Office of the Quartermaster-General: ofqimtermsw For stationery and miscellaneous items, fifteen thousand dollars. *°"€°“°”li Otlice of the Paymaster-General; ot‘palym¤stex~· For stationery and miscellaneous items, six thousand dollars. €°"°'“ i Otiice of the Commissary-General: 0f¢>¢>¥¤¤\l¤¤¤·¤'J'· For stationery, rent of office and hire of watchmen, and miscellaneous g°n°"ll items, fifteen thousand dollars. Oliice of the Chief Engineer : ofchief engi- For stationery and miscellaneous items, three thousand five hundred ¤°°'i dollars. Oflice of the Surgeon-General: ofsurgeon- For stationery and miscellaneous items, including rent of office, ten g°“““li thoumnd dollars. Oflice of the Colonel of Ordnance: 0* ¢<>l¤¤¤1 of For stationery and miscellaneous items, seven thousand five hundred °rd""°°' dollars. For the general purposes of the Northwest Executive Building. -— For Nqrthwegt gxcompensation of superintendent, four watchmen, and two laborers of the °°“°“’° b“‘1d“‘$‘ northwest executive building, three thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars. For labor, fuel, light, and miscellaneous items, twenty thousand 'dollars. For the general purposes of the building corner of F and Seventeenth Building cor- Strcets.-— For compensation of superintendent, four watchmen, and two ;‘:;uI;`h’;’t‘;6§gQ°* laborers for said building, three thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars. ’ For fuel, compensation of iiremen,a.ud miscellaneous items, six thousand dollars. For the general purposes of the building comerqf F and fjleenth Fégzmg