Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/275

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TIIlRTY—NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 246. 1866. 245 shall be recognized and known as a. post route; upon which, also, no be lawful struchigher charge shall be made for the transmission over the same of the *““;" °“d P°” mails, the troops, and the munitions of war of the United States, than the rmi;::,, cfm1g_ rate per mile paid for their transportation over the railroads or public highways leading to the said bridge. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for the Chi- Chigngo, Burcago, Burlington, and Quincy Railroad Company, a corporation whose ll¤£¥°¤·¤¤*} _ - ·_ · · · - Quincy Railroad road has been completed to the Mississippi River, and connects with a com my may railroad on the opposite side thereof, having first obtained authority there- buildpa railroad for from the States of Illinois and Iowa, to construct a railroad bridge 1lG“ld$° ;‘°'?“€,.°‘° across said river, upon the same terms, in the same manner, under the gzcisiss PPI' ' same restrictions, and with the same privileges, as is provided for in this act in relation to the bridge at Quincy, Illinois. Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That a bridge may be constructed Bridge may bc at the town of Hannibal, in the State of Missouri, across the Mississippi bfllll *°‘”§” “}° River, so as to connect the Hannibal and Saint Joseph Railroad with the Qygggsoziigk Pike County and Great Western railroads of Illinois, on the same terms i and subject to the same restrictions as contained in this act for the construction of the bridge at Quincy, Illinois. Size. 6. And be it further enacted, That a bridge may be constructed between Praiacross the Mississippi River between Prairie du Chien, in the State of *,1}** ughé" *‘“‘i Wisconsin, and North McGregor, in the State of Iowa, with the consent °r ° mgm of the legislatures of \Visconsin and Iowa, on the same terms and subject to the same restrictions as are contained in this act for the construction of the bridge at Quincy, Illinois. Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That the Keokuk and Hamilton between Keo- Mississippi Bridge Company, a corporation existing under the laws of the l;0‘;1l$““d H"·m‘1’ State of Iowa, and the Hancock County Bridge Company, a corporation ’ existing under the laws of the State of Illinois, be and are hereby authorized to construct and maintain a bridge over the Mississippi River between Keokuk, Iowa, and Hamilton, Illinois, of the same character, description, and construction as provided in this act for the bridges at Quincy and Burlington ; and the said bridge, in its use and operation, shall be subject to the same restrictions that apply to said bridges at Quincy and Burlington by the terms of this act. Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That the Winona and Saint Peter b°iW°s¤ Wk Railroad Company, a corporation existing under the laws of the State of gggiggk g¥P°` Minnesota, is hereby authorized to construct and operate a railroad bridge river, it, &c.; across the Mississippi River between the city of Winona, in the State of Minnesota, and the opposite bank of the said river, in the State at Wisconsin, with the consent of the legislatures of the States of Minnesota and Wisconsiti ;_and said bridge by this section authorized is hereby de- this bridge clared a post route, and subject to all the terms, restrictions, and require- gg? “P°s° ments contained in the foregoing sections of this act. ° Sec. 9. And be it further enacted, That a bridge may be constructed and b¢*·w¤¤¤ D¤¤ maintained across the Mississippi River, between Dunleith, in the State of {;"£;:"g- a Illinois, and Dubuque, in the State of Iowa, with the consent of said States ’ i previously given or hereafter acquired, with the same privileges, upon the same terms, and under the same restrictions as are contained in this act for the construction of a bridge at Quincy, Illinois. Sec. 10. And be it further enacted, That any company authorized by Ksfflw ¢i¤y of the legislature of Missouri may construct a bridge across the Missouri mu; River, at the city of Kansas, upon the same terms and conditions provided for in this act. Sec. ll. And be it further enacted, That the “Saint Louis and Illinois between the Bridge Company," a corporation organized under an act of the general zgigigsiggst assembly of the State of Missouri, approved February fifth, eighteen Sain, L,,,,,S_ hundred and sixty-fonr, and an act amendatory of the same, approved February twentieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, and also confirmed