Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/346

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314 F ORTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 123. 1869. Illinois, to be used for a post-office, custom-house, and United States court-room, twenty-five thousand dollars, · Custom house For construction of custom-house at Saint Paul, Minnesota, twenty-five at SV P"·“l$ thousand dollars. Ogdensburgn. For construction of custom-house at Ogdensburgh, New York, twelve thousand Eve hundred dollars. Murine has i- For continuinv the work on the marine hos xtal at Chicavo, twenty- p . e P O y mh Cm°“€°· five thousand dollars. Custmnmouse For repairs of custom-house at San Francisco, seven thousand five “*S““ F'°·“°i°°°· hundred dollars. latent-etfice Patent- Ojicc Building. -- For casual repairs of the patent-office buildb“‘l‘l"‘g· ing, five thousand dollars. Post.Omee Post- Ojicc Department. ·—- For compensation of the superintendent of D*;l’3’*$°;“;· cb foreign mails from August first, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight,1o June in[gn5gn[ Opp thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, two thousand seven hundred foreign mils: and forty-seven dollars and twenty-eight cents. For compensation to the of money-on superintendent of the money—order system from July twenty seven, eighd°‘ 5·YS°°"’; teen hundred and sixty-eight, to June thirty, eighteen hundred and sixty- nine, four hundred and sixty-four dollars and sixty-seven cents. For _qf chief of di compensation of chief of division of the dead-letter office from Anunst; {Qf£;‘02£°°;i°"l' first, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, to June thirtieth, eighteen lzhmdred and sixty-nine, two thousand two hundred and englny-nine dollars eterks. and forty cents. For compensation of one clerk of class four, and two clerks of class three, from August first, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, to June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, {our thousand five hundred and seventy-eight dollars and eighty-one cents. Deficiency in For amount required to meet a. deficiency in the revenues of the Post- ’“"°““°S°‘" 186** Olhce Department for the fiscal your ending June thirticth, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, seven hundred and forty-one thousand four hundred and sixt; -six dollars and eight -five cents. . Y . g Y . . . . deéggséigjtggd For amount required to meet an anhcipated deficiency ID the revenues mw of the Post-Office Department for the current fiscal year, three million seven hundred and sixt -two thousand five hundred dollars. · I n • y • . . . ' Qioyernment Po supply deficiency in the appropriations for government building lI§";£;"§c;;f°" at the corner of F and Seventeenth streets, for fuel and compensation toemn meets. of firemen, for repairs and for miscellaneous items, three thousand dollars. CLi_git¤Iti¤;)g I To supply the deficiency in the appropriation for lighting the Capitol d:RES°,;w;‘;°Jm] and Presidents house, and the public grounds around them, and around public rounds. the executive officos, twelve thousand dollars. Wan- epurt- ur epartnzent. ·- *`0r regu ar supp ies 0 the quartermasters’ dei> W .0 1 1 1 r it m°“*· purtment, two million five hundred thousand dollars. m£‘Hl;3mA‘;t drL%oal;n\<=i;lpl;1zgtllloxraenses of the quarterme.sters’ department, five hunt s: 1 MS. urgeggrioggl dome; horses for cavalry and artillery, one million five hundred thousand Tmnsporw- For trans - ‘ F ~* · — - . .p0xtat1ou 0 officers bewave, one hundred thousand dollars. t . - . °° 9 . . . `°;m_mck8 and For trsnisportatnon of the army and ns supplies, seven million dollars. qu,,,m,.,,_ Iior barracks and quarters, one million dollars. llogdigarrtlcnxt ]:`0r medrcal and hospital department, fifty thousand dollars. mc}; P d §Ol.` contingencies of the army, four hundred and seventy-five thousand 0 ars. d 5`or medical and hospital department, seven hundred and fifty thousand o ars. fugsfmt ¤¤¤'V*¤¤ For secret service fund, one hundred thousand dollars: Provided, That ]»,0m0_ the three last-nanned sums are appropriated for the purpose of enabling the Seeretary of the Treasury to settle accounts of disbursing officers for expendntures already made in pursuance of law, and shall not make any actual disbursement, but merely a transfer on the books of the treasury.