Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/434

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Adams, sergeant company K; Alonzo Moe, corporal company K ; James R. Norton, John Nelson, Jacob D. Newith, Edwin Mabie, Smith B. Mills, Decatur Jaycox, Enoch L. Rhodes, Thomas Folley, Nathaniel Root, privates company K.
      Officers and enlisted men of the first Wisconsin cavalry engaged in the pursuit and present at the time of the capture of Jefferson Davis: Orson P. Clinton, second lieutenant company B; Walter O. Hargraves, sergeant-major; James Aplin, private company K, orderly for Colonel Handen; Austin M. Howe, sergeant company A; David N. Bell, William Billsbeck, Martin M. Coleman, William Deyer, John Huntermer, Gottleib J. Klineline, Sidney Leonard, James McStillson, George W. Sillsbee, Christopher Stinebreck, Herbert Schelter, privates company A; Luther L. Blair, Melvin T. Olin, and John Clark, sergeants company B; Thomas B. Culbertson, James McCrary, and Ezra H. Stewart, corporals company B; Albert L. Beardsley, Thomas Coleman, Rawson P. Franklin, Sylvester Fairbanks, William Gill, William Grimes, Lewis Jacobson, Honore Leverner, William Matshie, Ira Miller, John Nolan, John Norton, Warren P. Otterson, Stephen Pougnette, William A. Spangler, Frederick Steinfield, Joseph Smith, George Wright, and John Wagner, privates company B; George D. Hussey and J. M. Wheeler, sergeants company D; Gustavus W. Sykes, (wounded,) L. Philip Pond, Joseph Myers, and George La Borde, corporals company D; Nelson Apley,(wounded,) P. F. Anderson, Donald Brandor, F. Bublitz, J. S. Burton, Lawrence Bird, Joseph Beguen, A. J. Craig, Thomas Day, Thomas Dickerson, Jerrod Fields, James Foley, Jacob Gosh, D. H. Goodrich, Lewis Harting, U. M. Hephner, C. Helgerson, Henry Hamilton, A. E. Johnson, John Ludwick, M. F. Nickerson, P. W. O. Herron, J. A. L. Pouch, Alexander Pingilly, Arne Renom, Jerome Roe, Herman Stone, John Spear, Henry Sidenburg, J. H. Warren, C. W. Seely, (wounded,) privates company D.
Detachment accompanying Captain Joseph A. O. Yeoman, in his pursuit and discovery of Jefferson Davis: George P. Barnes, junior, sergeant company A, first Ohio Cavalry; John H. McElwaine, quartermaster-sergeant, company A, first Ohio cavalry; Samuel Robertson and Ripley M. Woln, corporals company A, first Ohio cavalry; Henry T. Ressler, Samuel J. Rice, Spencer C. Phares, and George W. Blair, privates company A, first Ohio cavalry; John Camm, sergeant company C, first Ohio cavalry; William Hampden, private company C, first Ohio cavalry; John W. Newlove, commissary-sergeant company D, first Ohio cavalry; William Powers, private company D, first Ohio cavalry; Bushrod W. Click, private company F, first Ohio cavalry; Thomas R. Kennard and William Place, privates company I, first Ohio cavalry; John Young, private company K, first Ohio cavalry; Lee Wood, private company L, seventh Ohio cavalry; John Gatts, corporal company E, seventh Ohio cavalry; Thomas H. Wright, private company E, fifth Iowa cavalry; and to five additional men, privates in the said first regiment of Ohio cavalry, one man of the seventh regiment of Ohio cavalry, and two men of the fifth regiment of Iowa cavalry, whose names and places of residence are unknown, but who shall satisfy the proper accounting officers of the Treasury Department of their services and identity, by sufficient evidence, before being paid under this act. And the Secretary of War is hereby authorized to receive evidence to correct misnomers and the omission, if any, of the names of those actually present rendering service with either of the said detachmernts, according to the true intent: and meaning of this act, and to certify the same to the Secretary of the Treasury, who shall cause the same to be audited and paid.

      Sec. 2. And be it futher enacted, That to the heirs-at-law and legal representatives of such soldiers above named as were killed in action at the capture of Jefferson Davis, or have since deceased, the share, proportion, or claim of such killed or deceased soldier shall be paid.