Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/565

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TREATY WITII THE POTTAWATOMIE INDIANS. FEB. 27, 1867. 533 and expended for the benefit of the owner in providing for his removal and that of his family to the new reservation, and in such articles and ihr such uses as may, with the advice of the business committee, be deemed for his best interest at his new home. Amrcrn VI. The provisions of article third of the treaty of April Pr<>viSi<>¤¤ of nineteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, relative to Pottawatomies {Q31c;: 3;}:20 who desire to become citizens, shall continue in force, with the additional bein force. y provision that, before patents shall issue and full payments be made to such persons, a certificate shall be necessary from the agent and hnsim-ss committee that the applicant is competent to manage his own atiairs ; and when computation is made to ascertain the amount of the funds to the Patents notto tribe to which such applicants are entitled, the amounts invested in the l”“° “””lr &°· new reservation provided for in the treaty shall not be taken into account ; and where any member of the tribe shall become a citizen under the provisions of the said treaty of eighteen hundred and sixty-two, the families of said parties shall also be considered as citizens, and the head of the family shall be entitled to patents and the proportional share 0f funds belonging to his family ; and women who are also heads of families, and single women of adult age, may become citizens in the same manner as males. Anrictn VII. If at the end of five years from the ratification of this _L¤¤d¤_<>f certreaty there shall remain any of the Potzawatomies in Kansas who, hav- {xg2d;?'}: 2% ing been registered as desiring to become citizens and remain in Kansas, years they have shall not have obtained the certificate herein provided for and perfected **9*5 °b‘f*lP°d their citizenship, the land still held by them shall be sold, under the di- °lté;;l;gQ?i,g§g_ rection of the Commissioner of Indian Afiairs, with the improvements, if 7 any, thereon ; and such persons shall be required to remove to the new reservation of their tribe, and the proceeds of the sale of their land and improvements shall be used for the expense of removing such Indians to their new home, and for their benefit after their arrival thereat. ARTICLP) VIII. Where allottees under the treaty of eighteen hundred Rights <>N¤- and sixty-two shall have died, or shall hereafter decease, if any dispute g$Sr;m’;;°é0°Kd shall arise in regard to heirship to their property, it shall be competent cerning, how to for the business committee to decide such question, taking for their rule b°§°‘°l°di 536 of action the laws of inheritance of the State of Kansas; and in cases €°P°8’P' ' where there are children of allottees left orphans, guardians for such orphans may be appointed by the business committee of the tribe, who shall give bonds, to be approved by the agent or superintendent, for the faithful management of the property of such orphans until their arrival at their majority. Aivricrm IX. It is agreed that an examination shall be made of the hA;p<>¤¤*¤ due books of the Indian Office in order to ascertain what amount is justly due :;,3 ggtggvtg? to the Pottawatomies under the provisions of their treaties of eighteen cermined. hundred and eighteen and eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, providing for the payment of their annuities in coin, whereas they have been paid for several years in currency; and the result of such examination shall be reported to Congress, and the difference in amount due to said Indians shall be paid to them. ARTICLE X. It is further agreed that upon the presentation to the d Claim; for A Department of the Interior of the claims of said tribe for depredations tl°;gr°!,0*;;°;$; gi} committed by others upon their stock, timber, or other property, accom- the lndians. panied by evidence thereof; examination and report shall be made to S°€P°"»P-5% Congress of the amount found to be equitably due, in order that such action may be taken as shall be justin the premises; and it is further agreed that the sum of one hundred and sixty-four thousand five hundred and eighty-four dollars, reported by the Secretary of the Interior on the nineteenth day of December, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, in pur~ suance of an act of Congress approved March second, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, and recommended to be paid, shall be paid to said tribe,