Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/1132

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1098 POSTAL CONVENTION "WITH CANADA. AUGUST 25 & 28, 1806. separate package from the unregistered letters. The letter hills of such registered letters shall not be enclosed in the packages containing them, but shall be enclosed in a separate wrapper or envelope, sealed, and addressed to the po·tmaster of the corresponding exchange office. . ’ WW °l’ P0`? AIKTICLE IV. On receipt of registered letters for delivery or distribu-

`l°;?§{SiQ;°,;`f,°°'pt tion at either of the respective exchange offices, the postmaster of such

letters. receiving office will compare the letters with the bill, and endorse it " correct," it' it is found so, or will note the error, if there be one, in·the manner prescribed with regard to registered letters received from an inland postollice. He will then till up the corresponding return bill, noting upon it whether correct or otherwise, and will see that it is returned by the first mail thereafter to the exchange office of mailing. m£$"f;‘;;‘m[':%;S· Atmcmc V. Registered letters received at either of the exchange bc ;,,,,,,,,,.d,,d_ oiliecs, and destined for an inland post-office, shall be forwarded in the _ _ same manner as other registered letters originally mailed at such office. mRf(;JE;{g;;";0 Anrionm VI. The registration Fee of live cents shall accrue to the whom United States Post·Ol’lise Department upon all registered letters sent from the United States to Canada, and to the Canadian Post—O(’fice

)epartment. upon all registered letters sent from Canada to the United

`tates. ,0'£g‘f,sf6:Q`;?fj_ Atrrrcu: VII. The present articles shall be considered additional to dtttsmu, and those agreed upon between the two offices on the twenty-fifth day of March,

';°° ***1*** 135;, and_ shall come into operation ou the tirst day of October,

' . . 1 5 . In witness whereof, the Po<t‘master·General of the United States, and the Postmaster-General of Canada, have hereto set their hands and atlixed their seals, at the date set opposite to each, respectively. [L. S.] JAMES CAMPBELL, Postmaster- General. August 25, 1856. [1.. s.] ROBERT SPENCE. Postmasten General. August 28, 1856.