Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/1276

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1242 INDEX. LqW¢!iv¢,t1§`$¢evul1°vc, ana Judicial Expenses, (um) Lqglagvihgilmwgm, and Judicial Expenseglgccpgg l a enver . ... 241 485 at 0 ... ·, to be an assay office only ation Iowa ,... 24p, 489 APH} l, l870 . . *241 Kansas .. 24a, 489 all offices not herein provided Louisiana 244, 488 for abolished ... 241 Minnesota ... 24p, 488 at Carson City .. . .241, 495 Montana . . . . 24¤, 488 odiees and puy of superinmnd- Nebraska . ... . . . . 245, 489 ent. melter, und reiiner, assay- Nevada . .4 245, 489 Grbuml coincr, and clerks os- gew Mexico. . , .. 34a, tu lished .. 485 regon .. 45, offices of chief coiner, assistant Utnh._ ... 245, 489 coiner, assaycr, and melter, Wnshmgton .. 245, 489 and reiiner abolished 485 Wyoming. . ., . . ., _ . _ . . .24o, 489 at Charlotte, N. C . 2u, 485 recorder of land titles in Missouri. . .245, 489 assay office, New York. . . . . 24l, 486 department of agriculture. 245, 489 at Boise City Idaho . . . . . .·. . . . . 486 pay of commissioner, vc ... 24 5, 489 QOVGTIUIICIILS in the Territories. .241, 242, 486 collecting statistics und preparing repo. ts Arizona. . . . . .241 486 Colorado . 241,, 486 purchase and distribution of seeds 24:5 Dakota .. . ... 242 486 4 Idaho 242; 486 experimental garden, &r ... 246, 489 Montnnu . 242, 486 stationery, fuel, light, repairs 246, 489, 490 New Mexico . . 242, 486 perioclivnls, works oi relbrcnce. .246, 490 Utah . ... 242, 488 collections, nuulysis, &c 246, 490 Wasliinngton. . 242, 496 apparatus for lnborntory. ... 246, 490 Wyorriirig ,,_, , ,,,,,,._,.,_,,, 242, 435 niincmls ond ores ... . . 246, 490 Illterior Depurlnncnnl ... 242, 487 P05I-0mCQ Dt*p:\I’IIncnt. . 246, 490 Secromry’s 0IH.:e .. 242, 487 pay of PCSIIDi\SiCl'·UUIlCl'ill, nssistnnrs, completing the survey of the Colorado of &c .. _. .. 246, 490 the We; by Professor Powell 242 sip ioncry, lucl, site 246, 247, 49; bureau of education . . . 242 c nrgcs to ipeein npproprimions 24 clerical force in oliiee of commissioner, `Wnr Dt•p$ll'I1In!n! ... 247, 248, 491 established after June 30, 1870 ... 242 Sp¢·remry’s olllcp .. 247, 491 watchman for general service ... 243, 487 mjntnnt genera , .. 247, 491 law creating office of superintendent of quurterunustcr·gouerul .. . . 247, 491 Interior Department repealed. . . . 243 payrnnsu·r—;;enern . 247 248, 491 one clerk of class tour may be designated commissurg—gcnernl ... ,. 247, 491 to act as sup:r·nten·lent of the buildin; 487 s:rgcon—g<·nernl . . 247, 491, 492 stationer , books and mu s. . . . 243, 487 c icf cn·~iu<·er . 247, 492 distriburiyng journals and (FOCl1l¤Blll5.2~I3, 487 chivf ufhordnnnco . 248, 492 biennial re;·i—ter .. 243 military justice. .. . .. 248, 492 superintendent of public do umeuts . 24'3 signal office . . 248, 492 rem 0i' buildin.; on G Street 243, 487 inspe•·tor—general .. 248, 492 general lnn·l edi :4 . ... . . . .243, 487 mspector of mililnry academy . ..248, 492 pay ofcommissioncr, recorder, clerks, contingent expenses. ,. 2-Z8, 492 &c ... . . . . . 243, 487 Wap Depurtmentlbuilaling .. 248, 492 additiinul clerks .. 243, 487 bui ding occupie by the pnymustcr-gum tmnslnrion of ubridged report of com- eral . .. 248, 492 missioner . . 487 building corner F und Seventeenth streets 248, Indian office . . . . .243, 487 492 pension omce . 243,.244, 497, 488 Navy Department .. 248, 249, 492 detection and investigation of fraud 244 Seercturfs office .. 248, 492 incidenml and contingent expenses. .244, 488 bureaus .. 248, 249, 492, 493 patent otiiee .. 244, 498 incidental nnd contingent expenses. .249, 493 pn of commissioner-, &c .. 244 Navy Dep=u·rment building . 249, 493 odlce of ussistant commissioner es- Jlltlicsarvy .. . . . . ._ 249, 493 tablished. . . . .. 244 Supreme (,ourt of the United btatcs 249, 493 his duties, pay, &c 244 ri-porter and mnrshal .. 249, 493 contingent expenses ot, &c .. 244, 488 circuit und district Judges .. 249, 493 uotning to be paid judges of the su- judges in the district of Columbia. . 249, 493 promo court. of the I?istri<·t of l yvurrlen ofjml m .. 249 493 Columbia. on appeals from Com- dptrict ntiorneys and mnrshnls. 2iO, 493, 494 mis-iioncr .. 244 epurtmont of Justice ... 494 printing or photographing, &c.. . . 244 oiliee of attornn-y·g<-nernl .. 249, 494 photo-lithogruphing, or otherwise pay ofnttorncy-;;eneral, solicitor-t enprodueing copies of drawings,. 488 girl, ussistant attorneys-generel, surveyors - general and their 494 clerks in office of solicitor of the treasury 238, 494 Arizona . . 2-L 489 pag of solicitor, assistant, clerks, California . .. . .. 245, 489 ·c. ... , . . . 494 Colorndo .. . . .. 245, 489 contingent expenses, fuel, &e ... 494 Dakota. . . . . . . . . .. 245, 489 rent of building .. 494 Florida. . . 245, 488 law books . . . 494