Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/426

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392 FORTY·-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. RES. 131¥·185. 1870

°§g:; $m¥’ un£il oeherwiso ordered, and esp<=ciaIly during tneperiod empbyed for

Guam re unldnug the fence surrounding the grounds, addmonal polnce iorep may be employed, 1f deemed necessary, the expense for which shall be detkayqb from the contingent fund of the Senate and House of Representives: promo, Pmwded, however, That. the additional number of policemen fur this pup. pose shall not exceed three at any time. Approved, July 15, 1870. Juli 16, 1870. [N0. 132.] Joint Resolution giving condemned Chzmon to decorate the Soldiers' Burien Plot, qt White Plains, New York. Be it enacted [resolved] by the Séemto and House af Re resentativek 0

£::£•;_;¤;¤¤d the United States of America in Congress assembled, Thi; the Sem-ex;n§~

Somers. bww of War be, and he hereby is, authorized to donate four condemned cannon Eoq atvgghne and twenty·mght, balls to the "Wl1ite Plains Veteran Ass0ciation," to ‘“°“» · · decorate the soldiers’ plot ut that place. Armovmn, July 15, 1870. muy1s, mo. [No. wa.] Join: Resolutwn auihorizznq th Da r r z ‘ P 1. · "" Smxes, in the City of Gutbesmz, Saga? ?2’e;;, ;; m;yK*$Z? J Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Re ‘ ‘

   . presentatzves of the Umied

l mEgh&¤· States of America m Congress assembled, That the buildings, barra;·kg, Tuuh gmnyb fencee, sheds, cxstcrns, and so forth, the property of the United Smws, in 3g:;;:,;};: G;}. the exty of Galveston, State of Texas, now abandoned by the United i .. . . . mw" °" Pu ° State:. txoops, and ordered to be sold at public nuctncn, under the direction of the numtermaster s department, be, and the same are hereby, domucd

1; hereénuffter progrxggd to sand city of Galveston, for the purpose ofuiding

0 sm cny m 0 ing agricu tural, mechanical and h0l`Ii0l11U.ll'H]n\il‘S, and an developing the agricnltuml and mechanical resources of said

   Seate; Ol: for such other public uses as muy seem good to the authorities

ngaé; th of smd cnty of Galveston? Provided, That this resolution shall, not be Em 6,,,, construed to convey any mic m the grounds whereon the said buildings, barraens, fences, eheds, cisterns, and so Forth, are situated, or any authority {0 demolxsh or destroy the same, but to be held to be returned to the United States whenever rcqmred for any purpose for the use of the government. Awrzovxcn, July 15, 1870.

 [N0. 134.] Joint Resolution g;·¢;nti2ng condenn»ned Cannon to the Delaware Soldierf cmd

' i crs’ anmnent Association. Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Re ‘ ‘ com _ · , presmtazwes of che Mmed bm  ::;:d¤ Stems of America m Oangress assembled, 1lmt the Secretary of War is Sg[dfgyg’,&°_ hexeby authorxzed to delwer to the S0Id1ers’ und Sailors' Monu A i . A . . . , ment

m<££;£n nt  T§§;B£l0H of Wxlmmgton, Delaware, ten {neces of condemned brass

Del. · APPROVED, July 15, 1870. July 1b 1870. [N0. 135.] Join! Resoluhbn auth ri n th Se t ‘ ¢

 diers’ Plot " in 1£iU€;DglJ C0?RMC:§i Z?;';::?;?:? m ?;;Lg       

Be it resolved by the Senate cmd House of R ‘ ‘ . . epresenlalzvcs of the Zbzzted

£§:g?;qgg  States of Americajn Qongfess assembled, That the Secretary of \Vm· be

dim, mow, authorxzed to fur:ush s1§ p1ec es of c0ndemned cannon for ornamentation };;';*;}}*» Nw °f 2‘; ;)g°g £;g{¤V€¤`V1¤W 06m•Ml‘y,at Trenton, New Jersey.
