Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/372

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332 FORTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 337. 1872. All auch lends Sec. 5. That all lands now owned by the United States, acquired under iF $**9*** C*!*‘°· the provisions of any of the United States direcbtax acts, situated in the Egipifilggglg State of South Carolina, including all tracts or lots of land purchased purchased under und[er] “ army and navy " sales, not paidlfor m full at the present time, 1;;***9f gigs to shall be included in the prov1810ns of this act: Provided, however, Tha; ,0,,,),, wm,;,,’u,,,, the applications of the purchasers under " army and navy ” sales shall, for act- _ six months after the passage of this act, have precedence so far as relates Pr°m°' to the land purchased by them. M,,,,,,,,, ,-,0,,, Sec. 6. That all money derived from the sale of "scho01-farm" lands, sale of " school under the provisions of section eight of an act entitled "An act to continue g_;"‘;,Ll:Q‘f>f; in force and to amend ‘ An act to establish a bureau for the relief of freed. of dice public men, and refugees, and for other purposes,"’ approved July sixteenth, $°l*9°lS*¤ °€’f**i¤ eighteen hundred and sixty-six, and which money is now in the custody £§;€h:§'f ’§ 8_ of the Freedmen’s Bureau, be, and the same is hereby, appropriated for Vclfxiv. p. ,175; the use and support of free public schools in the parishes of Saint Helena bowwbe cx- and Saint Luke, South Carolina, in equal parts, to be expended under l’°“§‘;‘l; Section the direction and control of a special board of three commissioners, who suistitutea. shall be appointed by and act under the direction of the Secretary of the §§7·’· °h· 260- Treasury, and shall be duly sworn that they will faithfully discharge their °“’ P' OOO'] duties as such commissioners, and shall give such good and sufficient bonds therefor as said Secretary shall require, and who shall not receive more than one hundred dollars per year each for their services. This wot not to Sec. 7. That the provisions of this act shall not be construed to apply

   to or embrace any lands, farms, plantations, or _1ots which are now, in

cemeteries, gw_ whole or in part, used or occupied by the United States for national cemeteries, or for the burial of the dead, or other public purposes, or which have been set apart to any such purpose, or which, under the instruction of the President of the President of the United States, have been reserved for military or naval purposes, or such lots of land on Hunting Island, South Carolina, as may be necessary as a site for the erection of a lighthouse. _Pmmises mu- Sec. 8. That the premises known and designated as block one hundred K:;;?: and twenty-three on the plat of the late commissioners of direct taxes fort, S. O., for said State, in the town of Beaufort aforesaid, now occupied as a court- ¥¢l<¤¤¤<{d8E0 UW house for the county of Beaufort, in said State, be, and the same are hereby, °°°°t’ ’ '°" released unto said county, for the public uses of said county; and that all sums of money due to the United States on account of said premises be, and they are hereby, released in favor of said county. Sec. 9. That section two of an act entitled "An act for the relief of purchasers of land sold for direct taxes in the insurrectionary States," approved May ninth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, be, and the same is hereby, ume[n]ded to read as follows: purchssem “Sec. 2. That in all cases where the owner of any land sold for taxes fg’[;f,;“db;f°§;l‘“l‘ as aforesaid, his heirs or assigns, has recovered or shall recover the same manga. iintnre of from the purchaser, his heirs or assigns, without collusion on his or their

 t·:\l>‘3\;e;>e¤d part, by the _]u<lgrnent of any United States court, by reason of a failure

mmm; ,,2 without his or t.he1r fault or neglect, of the title of the purchaser derived 1B72,cl1.`l-l5,§2,f1`O1ll said sale, the Secretary of the Treasury, on the payment into the A’**¢» P· 89- treasury, by the clerk, of the money deposited with him as aforesaid, and on being satisfied that any purchaser, his heirs or assigns, without his or their collusion, has been evicted from or turned out of possession of any such land by the judgment of any United States court, in the manner before mentioned, is hereby authorized, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to repay to the person or persons entitled thereto a sum of money equal to that originally paid by the purchaser of the land so recovered, if the same has been paid into the treasgryipr to any person legally authorized to receive the same for the United ta s." Approved, June 8, 1872.