Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/837

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TREATY WI'1`H FRANCE. FEBRUARY 25, 1783. 797 Treaty between the 77zirteen Uiiterl States of North America and France. Feb. 26, 178+1. Signed at Wzrsazlles, February 25th, 1783.* 1 98, ch. 67. A contract between his most Chris; Un Contrat entre Sa Ma;`esté Ze Roi V°1`fp’ WS' tian Jllajesty and the thirteen tres C/zrétien et les treize Etats- Ezited States of North America, Unis de l’Amérique Septentrioentered into at Versailles, on the nale, passé d Wrsailles Ze 25 Fe? 25th of February, 1783. vrier 1783. Tm; re-established peace between LA paix rétablie entre les Puis- Preamble the belligerent powers, the advan· sauces belligérantes, les avantages tages of a free commerce to all parts d’un commerce libre dans toutes les of the globe, and the independence parties du globe et Yindépendance of the thirteen United States of des treize Etats-Unis de l’Amérique North America, acknowledged and Septentrionale, reconniie et fondée founded on a solid and honorable sur une base solide et honorable, basis, rendered it probable that the promettoient de voir les dits Etats said States would be in a condition en situation de pourvoir des a pré- to provide hereafter for their neces- sent aleurs besoins par lesressources sities, by means of the resources qui leur sont propres, sans etre within themselves, without being forcés d’implorer la continuation des compelled to implore the continue- secours que le Roi leur a si libretion of the succours which the king ment accordés pendant la durée de has so liberally granted during the la guerre; mais le ministre plénipo- W31’Z But the minister plenipoten- tentiaire des dits Etats·Unis pres tiary of the said United States to Sa Majesté, lui ayant exposé l`épuhis Majesty, having represented to isement ou les a réduit une guerre him the exhausted state to which longue et désastrense, Sa Majesté a they have been reduced by a long daigné prendre en consideration la and disastrous war, his Majesty has demande faite par le ministre susdit condescended to take into consider- au nom du Congres des dits Etats, ation the request made by the afore- d’une nouvelle avance d’argent pour said minister, in the name of the subvenir aune multitude d’objets de Congress of the said States, for a dépenses urgentes et indispensables new advance of money to answer dans le cours de la présente année; numerous purposes of urgent and Sa Majesté s’est déterminée en conindispensable expenses in the course sequence, malgré les besoins non MN;;;il;€;;1£· of the present year; his Majesty moins pressants de son propre ser- g,§,m,dmC0n_ has in consequence determined, not- vice, a accorder au Congrés une @698 ¤¤¤1<>¤¤· withstanding the no less pressing nouvelle assistance pécuniairequ’elle necessities of his own service, to a fixée a la somme de six milgrant to Congress a new pecuniary lions de livres tournois, a titre de assistance, which he has fixed at the pret et sous la garantie solidaire des sum of six millions livres tournois, treize Etats-Unis,ce que le ministre under the title of loan, and under du Congres a déclaré accepter avec the guaranty of the whole thirteen la plus vive reconnoissance au nom United States, which the minister of des dits Etats. Congress has declared his acceptance of, with the liveliest acknowledgments, in the name of the said

  • This Treaty was ratified by the Old Congress on the 31st of October, 1783, and by the King of France

on the 21st of December, 1783. The date of exchange of ratifieations does not appear, but was probably that of the ratification by the King.