Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1399

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INDEX. 1327 Sectlcn. · POSTAL SBRVICE—C0ntinued. I POSTAL SBBVIUE—0ontinued Mmm- 1:;:-m:t:¤er—§{)onmue{l. f 3892 . Revenues-—Coutinued. n erc .p mg, c., pens y or recover of ill I clisposition of, seized, &v. . . 3895 appro ryiation gilhldiwyldlrirlivinélli f)?-"`-- 333; Ioney-ordero, gyptem of ____,_________ _ _ -4027 recorrilof, to be irept ,____ _ ,___ u- _ - _ 3842 may exchanged with foreign countries. 4028 . other provisions concerning 03829-4061 how issued _. . . , 4029 t (Seo Accounts under Pvwvl Service.) penalty for issuing, before payment for. . . 4030 Stamps and envelopes (see I’o:»tug4·) . 3914- ow issued in absence of postmaster . 4031 ; 3925 limit of amount of, fees for .. 4032 , Unclaimed, dey]., md I-squut 1%;,,,, 3Q3U_ gppiiqgtigng for __________ _ __ ___ _ ______ 4033 { - - 3940 fo¤{1¤ of._ --------.------.. - 4034 I advertising and postin ______________ 3930-393,5 notice of issue to be sent 4035 , retum of undeliverecl letters 3936 good for one year ... 4036 1 unpaid letters sent to dead-letter otlive . . 3937 xndorsenient of ... . . 4037 { proceeds of valuable dead letters 3938 changes in __,,,,,,_,,__,__,__.,_,,,_,_, 4038 { request-letters to be fetuméd ... 3939 repayment, of _______,_____,_, , ,_,______ 4039 forwardin from one office to another . . . 3940 replacing lost .. 4040 POSTKABTER-GENERAL, (ses p,,,,,- m favor of lotteries, &c . 4041 Ojficc De rsrzwu, msn: Serrice.) cost of incidental exfpenses of, how paid. . 4048 to be head of éost-Ofliee Department ..,.. 388 pay to postmasters or issuing ... . . . . 4047 _ department embraces the following: punishment for offenses relating to .. 5463 general provisions 388-414 unds of, what to be 4045 ~ post-offices and postmoogoog __________ 3829.3864 weekly report of, by postmaster ... 4044 i carriers, branch offices, and receivingtransfer o ... 4042, 4043 boxes ,,.,,____________ _ ________ 3355.3374 embezzlement of . 4046 , mail-matter 3875-3895 bond of postmasters at offices of, to con- postage . 3896-3913 tain additional condition 3834 postage-stamps and envelopes ,.. ,3914-3925 accounts of money—o¤ler busineu. how to registered letters . . .. 3926-3929 be kept by Sixth Auditor ... 293 unclaimed dead and request letters. . .3930-3940 copies of money-order acoounhbooks of contracts for carrying mail ...,.. 3941-3963 P. O. Department, when evidence 889 carying the mail 3964-3996 Postage, .I'¤mtu e) .,.. 3914-3925 railway-service ...,. 3997-4005 Postmasters, (see fmrlnuratvrs) _,...,.. 3829-3864 foreign maikservice . 4006-4016 Postwices, provisions concerning (see 1 special, local, and route agents ... 4017-4026 lbxt-Qgiccs) .. 3829-3864 · money-ordersystem . 4027-4018 Post-roads, w at shall be ... 3964 l accounts and revenues ... 4049-4061 mail shall be carried on 3965 I salzgy of .. . .. 160 l’¤»stmast4·r-General to designate which of r uced by act of1874(Appendi.v, p. 1093), two shall be ... 3972 provisions common to all executive tenninus of certain, may be changed 3973 _ epartments (see Dziartmenls) . 158-lns discontinuing service on 3974 to be member of Smit sonian Instituccrtain, shal be reported to Congress, tion 5579 &c 3975 to fumish Congressional Printer by Novemprivate expresses for carying letters, &c., ber 1, annually, with documents to on, prohibited . 3982 accompany report of 196 routes to be published in papers of Dis- to keep inventory 0 public property .. 197 ti-ist of Columbia .. 3827 to cause to be filed biennial ist of emrailway routes to be classified ... 3997 _ ployés .. . ., 193 Railway service . 3997-4005 to direct payment by collectors and receivroutes classified ,._,,,,. 3997 ‘ ers 0 public money to pay same to rates of pa for 3998 Treasurer or assistant treasurers as when mailymay be carried by horse-enc often as once aweek 3615 press over railway routes ... 3999 t may transfer postal money 3641 mail to be carried on any train . 4000 to direct manner, &c., ot making returns on railways receiving government aid . . . 4001 of p0Si8.l l110X4B)' ... 3644 oonditions of ,_,_,,,...,,,..,.. 4002 w may direct applnqtxon of payments by postrefusal oi companies to provide cars . 4003 masters giving new bonds ... 3835 addition;] my por cor, o ,___,,,.., 4004 to fill vacancy iu_ office of postma.st0r, may length of cars, &c., for ... . . 4005 place special agent in charge of postnsgmmod letters, system of ... 3926 office m case of vacancy, &c . 3-436 registered matter, &c., fees . 3927 may require new bond ,. _ .. I $837 receipt for delivery of .. 3928 may direct tune for keeping open postcontaining currency to and from United offices . _ 3839 Sum Trgggury _____,___,,_,,.. 3932 may allow not eaceeding an hour for makfor lotteries may be returned, when . 3929 _ mg up mail at certain offices 3840 Receiving-boxes (see Boxes under Postal furmslx postmasters schedule of arrival, &c., htryicc) .. 3868, 3869, 5466-5168 o mzuls ... 3841 Revenues, to be part of basis for fixing prescribe form of records at post-otilces 3842 salaries of postmastcrs .. 3855 _ require swom statements with quarterly not liable for loss of mgistered mail . 3926 ~ accounts of postmasters .. , .. 3844 eisgiliqgtion of _____________________ __ _ 4049 · to record and notify Sixth Auditor of deposit of certain .. 4050 · orders as t.o postmasters’ salaries 3856 postage, &c., to be accounted for as . 4051 may designated1stnbunting·oflices .. 3859 neglect to deposit, penalty ..,.._,__,,,_, 4053 under what heads to submit estimates , 3668 money required for postal service to be postal money drawn on warrant of .. 3674 appropriated out of . 40-v4 ; to approve plans of public buildings ..,,___ 37.-Z4