Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/286

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214 Trrmc xxv.—THE ARMY.—Ch. 1. I¤ cw of t11M- Sec. 1205. Officers may be transferred from the line to the staff of l§{?ff2E‘jE lmi the Army without prejudice to their rank or promotion in the line; but 3Mai-.,_1813,c.52, no officer shall hold, at the same time, an appointment in the line and ¤· 4- V~ Z P· *l9· an appointment in the staff which confer equa rank in the Army. When 692: 1;}%,3; any officer so transferred has, in virtue of seniority, obtained or become lg y{,,,Q,_’]846,c_ entitled to a grade in his regiment equal to the grade of his commission 29, s. 7, v. 9, p. 18. in the staff, he shall vacate either his commission in the line or his commission in the stad. In Engineer Sec. 1206. No officer of the Corps of Engineers below the rank of C<>r1>S· field-officer shall be promoted to a higher grade, until he shall have been "{MQ," 1863, c_ examined and approved by a hoard of three engineers, senior to him in 78,s.3,v.12,p.743. rank. If an engineer officer fail on such examination he shall be suspended from promotion for one year, when he shall be re-examined before a like board. In case of failure on such re-examination, he shall be dismissed from the service. Af ter fourteen Sec. 1207. When any lieutenant of the Corps of Engineers [or Ord- 5f’_f’*j$__§$[Y§"’· nance Corps] has served fourteen years’ continuous service as lieutenant, 3 Mai-., 1853, e. he shall be promoted to the rank of captain, on passing the examination 98.e-9.v-10.1>-219- provided by the precedin section, but such promotion shall not author- 3M°·’··l863»"·78· ize an appointment to lib any vacancv when such appointment would ss. 3, 4,v.12, p. 743. · _ E _ ·. ’ _ 27 Feb__,87-M_6g_ inciease the whole number of officeis in the corps bey ond the number v_ ig,p_ 243_ fixed by law; nor shall any officer be promoted before officers of the same grade who rank him in his corps. ln Ordnance S1·:c. 1208. When promotions in the Ordnance Department of the COYPS- Army are allowed by law, no officer of the corps, below the rank of field-

M,,,._,;86g_c_-8, officer, shall be promoted to a higher grade until he shall have been

s. 4, v. 12, p. 743. examined and approved by a board of not less than three ordnance mf: ll’ls¤F·»1g869élg· officers, senior to im in rank. If an ordnance officer fail on such exam- 2;,,;;;, ,-,%:4 C: mation he shall be suspended from promotion for one year, when he shall 4;,8,,,_ 8,,._i8,,,_21,5_ be re-examined before a like board. In case of failure on such re-examination, he shall be dismissed from the service. Bi-evets. Sec. 1209. The President, by and with the advice and consent of the 1 ··wr·····_4 Senate, may, in time of war, confer commissions by brevet upon com- 6 Jill)'. N12. ¤· missioned officers of the Army, for distinguished conduct and public 137·“·4’Y·2·l’·785· service in presence of the enemv. 16Apr1l,1818,c. ~ 64, s. 2, v.3, p. 427. 1 Mar., 1869, c. 52, s. 2, v. 15, p. 281. Date of brcvet Sec. 1210. Brevet commissions shall bear date f1'0l1l the particu1ar °j'f*_'f“*’$'{’[‘;_____ action or service for which the officers were brevetted. 1 Mar., 1869, c. 52, . 2, v. 15, p. 281. Assignment to Sec. 1211. Officers may be assigned to duty or command according to d¤fy¤¤"¢<¤¤l¤¤8 tv their brevet rank by special assignment of the President; and brevet b'°"t ""‘l‘· rank shall not entitle an officer to precedence or command except when icnpni, 1818,c. $° "Slg"°d‘ 64, s. 1, v. 3, p. 427. 3 Mar., 1869, c. 124, s. 7, v. 15, p. 318. _ Uniform and Sec. 1212. No officer shall be entitled, on account of having been {Q-__w_____ brevetted, towear, while on duty. an uniform other than that of his 15 July, 1870, e. actual rank; and no officer shall be addressed in orders or official com- 294,~·.1<i.v.16.p·319· munications bv any title other than that of his actual rank. Cadets to beat- Sec. 1213. When any cadet of the United States Military Academy fevhed by l>¤¢V•=¤ hasdgone through all its classes and received a regular degree from the lEE;..____c_ aca emical sta , he shall be considered a candidate for a commission in 29.-xpril, 1812, r-. any corps for whose duties he may he deemed competent. lf there be 72,e. 4, v. 2, p- 721- no vacancy in such corps, be may, subject to the revisions of section twelve hundred and fifteen, be attached to it by tdje President, as a supernumerary officer, by brevct of second lieutenant until a vacancy shall appen. _N0n-<*ommie— _ Sec. 1214. Non-commissioned ofhccrs ma , under regulations estab- ?;g“:;lm"£lI°:§‘ lished by_ the Secretary of War, be examincdybya board of four officers, b,,",,, m,,k_ · as to their qualifications for the duties of commissioned officers in the 29 ,Q{r{1,]§y2]i l|¤€ of the Arm)', Bild Sllull be eligible for appointment as second lieu- 72, s. 4, v. 2, p. 721. tenants in any corps of the line for which they may be found so qualified.