Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/868

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796 VUITLE xLv111.——U()M)lER()I*] AND NAV1GATION.—Ch. l. 3i Bw, 1792, v- of the United States, and lawfully condemned as prize. or which may be 1- i’» *» P-M adjudged td bd forfeited as- a breach or me laws of the Usaas sam, being whollv owned by citizens. and no others. may be registered as directed in this Title. V°*“*‘l“°W¤°<lP}’ Sec. 4133. No vessel shall be entitled to be registered. or, if registered, "°";""“l°"t mb to the benefits of rc istry, if owned. in whole or in part by any citizen of Tn?the United States who usually resides in a foreign country. during the Ibid- continuance of such residence-. unless such citizen be a consul of the I'. s. i·.*t+i11ies, United States, or an agent for and a partner in some house of trade or l’<·*- (Y Vs 159- copartnership, consisting of citizens of the United States actually carry- ing on trade within the United States. \'€’S°l?°"`¤€‘l l0' Sec. 4134. No vessel shall be entitled to be registered as a vessel of

t"' the United States, or, if registered. to the benefits of registry, if owned

___' (in whole or in part by any person naturalized in the United States, and 5 2'_ Mal`-$180**- *'· residing for more than one year in the country from which he originated. `2‘ i' ]"‘“’p‘ 2% or for more than two years in any foreign country. unless such person be a consul or other public agent of the United States. Nothing contained in this section shall be construed to prevent the registering anew of any vessel before registered, in case of a sale thereof in good faith to any citizen resident in the United States: but satisfactory proof of the citizenship of the person on whose account a vessel may be purchased shall be exhibited to the collector. before a new register shall be granted for such vessel. rimericaii vessel Sec. 4135. No vessel which has been recorded or registered as an

  • “k"*¥f°""‘¥"H“F· American vessel of the United States. pursuant to law. and which was

10 Fen,, 1866, e, licensed or otherwise authorized to sail under a. foreign flag, and to have 8- V- li-1·· 3- the protection of any foreign government during the existence of the rebellion, shall be deemed or registered as a vessel of the United States, O1' shall have the rights and privileges of vessels of the United States, except under provisions of law especially authorizing such registry. \\'l`€l‘l·(Q(i\`€SS€lF. Sec. 4136. 'l`he Secretary of the'[`reasurymayissuearegisterorenroll- "‘2,,‘],é,__",852 (__ ment for any vessel builtin a foreign country. wheneversuch vessel shall 4,,-_10_l,f].ig_ ’ be wrecked lll the United States, and shall be purchased and repaired by 2:% July, 1866, c. a citizen of the United States. if it shall be proved to the satisfaction of 213. Y- FLD- 212- the Secretary that the repairs mt upon such vessel are equal to three- “,;`:ff £?l‘““`k· 3 fourths of the cost of the vessei when so repaired. (_(;E;TglG3:;:"·"ll’P` Sec. 4137. Itegisters for yessels owned by any incorporated company __ U ]‘é_),--T may be issued in the name of the president or secretary of such company: ,,9?S··2f‘;;-4, psp25p and SL1(‘l1’1’(‘g'lSt(‘1' shall not be vacated or affected by sales of any shares Ne“_N_gi8m_up_ ofgtoyli 11; such coinppny . i _ _ I _ 0,, death, &(.__ 0,- Et. 41.>z~. l pon the death. remox al. or resignation ot such president 035.-,,, of vm-pom- or secretary of any incorporated company owning any vessel. a new regti¢;rg_H__ _3 ister shall be taken out for such vesse . i ., s. ‘ . O¤¢l¤¤{fofTi¤•·r of Sec. 4139. Previously to granting a register for any vessel, owned by ‘]€[lI“E]°“;_ any company, the president or secretary thereof shall swear to the own- Ibid., ss. 4, 5. ership of the vessel. by such company, without designating the names of the persons composing the company; and the oath shall be deemed sufiicieng withogt requiring the oath of any other person interested orconeerne in suc vessel. 0,vmEi*:k@E;‘ Sec. 4140. The Secretary of the Treasury may make such regulations _ -. 1 ‘ as he may deem expedient, for the nationalization of all vessels owned bv ‘ _Q2T July. 1868, c. actual residents of the Territory of Alaska. on the twentieth day of June. gg} "· 3· "· l5· P- eighteen hundred and sixgv—seven, and which continued to be so owned ` up to the date of such nationalization. Vmeh Wham Sec. 4141. Every vessel. except as is hereinafter provided, shall be ,_eE,B,“_mg· registered by the collector of that ('Oll€CtlOIl-('ilStl`l(‘[ which ineludes the - .- .-.-__ port to Wl1I0i] such vessel shall belong at the time of herregistry: which 1 7g1 1g9g8g- port shall be deemed to be that at or nearest towhichthe owner, if there &.i;$,_:LSt;Am; be but one, o1·. 1f more than one._the husband or acting and managing Ship (lQ_,_17H0W__ owner of such vessel. usually resides. 596; Morgan c. (lggiigaml ‘](:D¤\I€1l,i)47‘§6qBlan4·hanl r. Martha Washington, l (`liff., 466; Hill ···. Steamer PII ul , W .,· t.