Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2a.djvu/179

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[74 INDEX. P1 P hwy Duty, N `Juticoa of the 1’euco—Continned. an who are not liable to ... 353, 875,42, 109 sllpcrsodul, etny of execution may bg _,.,.%; Gund, grunted, when . .1023 {19 w at names drawn shall •¤>¤¤¢M=¤¢¤ ---- 856 101 110** •¢¤*¤¤¤d ---··· ·---·- — ·---·- W4 119 how summoned where all umuesdmwn from shall not be granted on judgment for 1,0; umm February 1 .. 864, 101, 109 I w¤g•=¤ ¤f ¤¤rv¤¤i> ¤r I¤\¤>r¤r .-.. 1025 no vacancies in, how mled. ..,- ... -...865 109 or for a less sum than live qollnm. . ,1025 lg.) Jury, Pam, issue of execution after expiration of gu. what ¤¤¤¤¤¤ ¤r¤w¤ ¤h¤11¤¤¤¤’¤i¢¤t¤----856 101 pencdeus, .--..---. 1026 120 how summoned where all names drown from appeals from Judgment oi} to supreme box before February 1 .. 864, 101, 10D court . . . . .. 1027 120 vacancies in, how filled .. .. . .. 865 10D how appeals shall be heard ...,, 1027 130 Justices of the Peace appellant to give security for 'eosts and npecial laws regulating jurisdiction or eI¤~ _ glamages . . 1028 120 ties of, prohibited. . . .54 6 original pagers and docket entries in be legislative assembly may provide for ag- filed with clerk of supreme court, pcintment of .. . . . 2 7 _ _ 1029 1:9 may define jurisdiction and prescribe du- removals, 1'08|g!lIt1.0118,_&0·, upon indictties of . .. 62 7 ment and conviction for certain certain omcers of police to have powers oi B311S8B .. . .. . ... 1030 129 352 49 by supreme court, at general term, after may take acknowledgments of deeds ..441 59 _ notice .. ... .1031 120 may issue summons to show cause for un- _ delivery to court of docket of such juslawful detaiuer of reel estate 684 SS twat .. . . . . 1032 ll} actions for detainer before, may be trans- penalty for neglect . 1033 12| {erred to sntpreme court .. 687 QS fees of, supreme court to determine. ..1034 120 fees ot; ln cases o detainer 691 88 designation of to act as judge of police appeals from, to supreme court,b0w tried, court, when .. . 1041 fig 774-779 99 ooth aud eompensation while so actin , executions from, may be levied by marshal, l0é 128 912 107 Justices of the Supreme Court, term of olilco uml oath of . 994 117 npgoiutment, salary and oath of. ..750,752 9• general sewers and duties of .. 995 117 to ave powers ami jurisdiction of judges rules an forms, how established for actions of circuit courts .. . . . . .. 761 91 before .. . .. 996 l 17 I any one ot} may hold special term as. jurisdiction of .. .. . . ..997 117 I o district court. . 762 91 not to exercise criminnljurisdiction 998 117 1 may hold a criminal court .. .. ..763 91 msy issue warrants returnable to police I court, when .. . . . . •.999 117 . K. to keep dockets .. . . . . . .. .1000 117 I Kcqam, to furnish copies of judgments, when . 1000 117 for penitentiary, how to be appointed ond penalty for neglecting to keep dwket.1001 117 removed .. . 1113 ll? for omission by wh ch pleintiif loses debt, compensation oL how iixed . 1119 128 1001 1 1 7 penalty oil for conveying letters, liquors, nomresidents commencing suits before, to dw., without permission . . . .1140 180 give security for costs .. . .. .1002 117 ' issue of writs by, in civil cases 1003 118 L. removal of suits to unotherjnstice, when, Labomra, 1004 I IB attachment or execution for wages of, may power to compel attendance of witnesses, I be levied on what property .. 797 95 W 1 f 118 I no stay fof execution on judgment for wagg m 0 cases. . ...,.. _..., ,.. _ Q q ,,,.,. , ,,,,, , .,,,,.,,, , ,,..., 1 |§0 to give judgment according to law, equity, { employed in construction or repair of build- _ Md MM ----------·-·-----···- 1006 118 ing. mu of .. . . . ... 109, s4, ss judgments ol', to bear interest .. .. 1007 1 18 I to give notice ofclaim to owner of building, renewal of gudgment, when .. 1008 118 · 709, 84, S5 jury trials fore, may be demanded, when I liability of owner of building for such 1006 118 I claim .. . . . . . .. 700, s4,s.s j(1l'$'ll10W·BUmHl0D8(l .. . . - . . 1010 1 18 Land, (seo Real Estate,) qualmcxmons ofjnrors. 1011 118 limit to amount oi to he held by corporaralesmen,how summoned .. 1012 118 tions organized under general lew- _1¤ry_t»o be sworn .. 1013 1 18 by institutions of learning .. 526 64 to sit together end, hear proof, dw., in by religious societies .. . . 533 65 P“bl'° ---·-· g —--··---·--~ -·-JOM II9 E by miscellaneous nssoein1.ions,,546,651,66, 07 oath of constable in charge ofjury..1015 119 by manufacturing, mining &,c., compojury ro deliver verdict publicly to jug. , nies ,_,_,,__,__ ,·, ,____ ’ ,,,,__,,, 554, 61,68 tice .. . . . . _. ..1016 119 I by cemetery associations 595 72 jndgrnent and execution on verd|o|;,l0l7 119 for burml-grounds., .,,,,,,,,_,,,, ,.604 12 executsmns, wrus oil may be issued, when, by boards of trade .. 607 73 _ _ _ _ 1018 119 by railroad corporntions 619 74 PIG1X11I1E!, right to have, ngomsh what how may be taken for highwuys.250-264, 29, 30 property .: . . . . 1019 119 I for county school sites.. .. .. 286-293, 88, 84 any __]nst1ce may issue on copy of nuy I appropriation of, for use of railroads, pwyudgmentj wyhen returnable 10*20 1 19 { visions eonecrning .. . .648-663, 7C, 79 reoenpgnof plsuntnf must be annexed to I Land Damages, _ re rn .. ._ . . 1021 119 V for lc in o s in u use hens, Judgment. creditor to have, when. 1022 1 19 I ymgnt . . . .t&? .?zé7—26g?-29, $0