Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2b.djvu/341

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ns run rnaniroar or UTAH. 339 From Albuquerque, to Prescott, in Arizona. 14 J¤¤¢. 1858, c- From Albuquerque, by Zuni, to Woodvillc, in California. 16;%,*3,1%; P-?;?, From Abiqni to Garland. 57 v, ig Q me? ’c` From Abiqui, by El Rite, Ojo Caliente, Servietta, and Los Conejos, to Fa June, 1862, c. Fort Garland. 95,v. 12m- 421- From Clifton to Dry Cimerou. wi 1;i“,’;h· {g€.5» °· From Donand, by Fort Belknap, to Gainesville, in Texas. 2’M,,,,,],p‘§,,§ c_ From El Paso, by Messilla, Tucson, in Arizona, and Fort Yuma, to 191,v.14, 553.’ San Diego, in California. F110 M¤1‘<=1¤.1968»¤· From Fort Cummings, by Fort Bayard, to Pinos ANZ0S- 3°iX`}?,ig`ilé7g C From Fort Union, by Autonchico, Agua Negra, Fort Sumner, Fort 2·,3,v_16; 288_’ ' Stanton, and Tnlaroza, to Mesilla. 28 Feb., 1871, c. From Fort Union, by Guadalupita, Santa Gertrude, San Antonio, 101.1*- 16-}-469- Agua Negra, Rincones, Cantonment Burgwin, and Rancho, to Fernan- 2822 ’}.}";·,L871= °‘ dez de Taos. ’’' From Fort Union, by Rayado, to Pueblo. From Independence, in Missouri, by Pawnee Fork, Fort Wise, Rayado, and Fort Union, to Santa Fe. From Las Cruces, by Mesilla, to Tucson. From Las Cumas to Ralston City. From Las Vegas, by Antonchico, Canones, and Puerto do Luna, to Fort Summer. From Las Vegas to Fort Bascom. From Las Vegas to Mora. From Mesilla to La Union. From Paraje, by Alamosa el Bonito, and Santa. Barbara, to Dona Aiia. From Santa Fé, by Albuquerque, Socorro, Las Cruces, Doiia Ana, Fort Fillmore, Frontero, in Texas, El Paso, San Elisario, Magoilinsville, and Leona, to San Antonio. From Santa Fé, by La Canada, Abiqui, and El Rite, to San Antonio. From Santa Fe, by La Canada, and Albioin, to Fernandez de Taos. T From Santa Fé, by Las Trampas, Peiiasco, and Rio del Pueblo, to aos. From Santa Fe to Las Vegas. From Santa Fé, by Pena Blanca, Santo Domingo, Cuvora, Algodones, and San Isdora, to Canon de Jemez. From Santa Fe, by Pojuaque, to Abiqui. From Santa Fé, by Real de Dolores, Tuerto, and San Antonia, to Albuquerque. Frora Santa Fé, by Santa Cruz, Los Luceros, and Abiqui, to Sierra. Amari a. From Santa Fé, by San Miguel, Las Vegas, and Fort Union, in Missouri, to Independence. ‘ From Santa. Fé, to Salt Lake City, in Utah. From San J osé, by San Miguel, and La Cuesta, to Antonchico. From Seneca, in Missouri, to Albuquerque. From Taos, by Arroyo Hondo, Bio Colorado, and Calebra, to Fort Massachusetts. From Taos, by Arroyo Hondo, Rio Colorado, Costilla, Calebra, Fort Garland, Fountain City, and Russellville, to Denver City. From Taos to Cimeron. From Taos to Dona Ana. f From Tucson, by Arizona City, and Colorado City, to San Diego, Caliorma. IN THE TERRITORY OF UTAH. Utah Territory. From American Fork City to Forest City. _ 3 Aus-. 1§·**1» <=· From Beaver, by Greenville, and Fort Adams, to Minersville. 23?é";,},(;_P‘,§?g' c_ N Fnnn Beaver, by Miuersville, and Meddowsith, _ to Parauagat, in 168. ,,_ 11, [37,, . cvml:1.