Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/192

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DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, 1867. {35 Aivricm XXV. No citizen of the Dominican Republic shall apply for or take any Letters o s commission or letters of marque for arming any ship or ships to act as m*“`*i“°· privateers against the said United States, or any of them, or against the citizens, people, or inhabitants of the said United States, or any of them, or against the property of any of the inhabitants of any of them, from any prince or State with which the said United States shall be at war; nor shall any citizen or inhabitant of the said United States, or any of them, apply for or take any commission or letters of marque for arming any ship or ships to act as privateers against the citizens or inhabitants of the Dominican Republic, or any of them, or the property of any of them, from any prince or State with which the said republic shall be at war; and if any person of either nation shall take such commissions of letters of marque, he shall be punished according to their respective laws. Aarrom XXVI. The high contracting parties grant to each other the liberty of hav- Consuls and viceing in the ports of the other Consuls or Vice·Consuls of their own ap- °°“*"'l°· poiutment, who shall enjoy the same privileges and powers as those of the most favored nation; but if any of the said Consuls or Vice-Consuls shall carry on trade, they shall be subjected to the same laws and usages to which private individuals of their nation are subjected in the same place. _ I t is understood that whenever either of the two contracting parties Consular ,,g,,,m,_ shall select a citizen of the other for a Consular Agent to reside in any ports or commercial places of the latter, such Consul or Agent shall continue to be regarded, notwithstanding his quality of a foreign Consul, as a citizen of the nation to which he belongs, and consequently shall be subject to the laws and regulations to which na.tives are subjected in the place of his residence. This obligation, however, shall in no respect embarrass the exercise of his consular functions or aifect the inviolability of the consular archives. The said Consuls and Vice-Consuls shall have the right, as such, to Arbitration of sit as judges and arbitrators in such differences as may arise between dl¤P¤¢¤¤- the masters and crews of the vessel belonging to the nation whose interests are committed to their charge without the interference of the local authorities, unless their assistance should be required, or the conduct of the crews or of the captain should disturb the order or tranquillity of the country. It is, however, understood that this species ot' judgment or arbitration shall not deprive the contending parties of the right they have to resort, on their return, to the judicial authority of their own country. · The said Consuls and Vice-Consuls are authorized to require the as- Deserms from sistance of the local authorities for the arrest and imprisonment of the "°“°l°- deserters from the ships of war and merchant vessels of their country. For this purpose they shall apply to the competent tribunals, judges, and officers, and shall, in writing, demand such deserters, proving, by the exhibition of the registers of the vessels, the muster-rolls of the crews, or by any other oiisicial documents, that such individuals formed part of the crews; and on this claim being substantiated, the surrender shall not be refused. Such desertcrs, when arrested, shall be placed at the disposal of the Consuls and Vice-Consuls, and may be confined in the public prisons at the request and cost of those who shall claim them, in order to be sent to the vessels to which they belong, or to others of the same country. But if not sent back within three months of the day of their arrest, they shall beset at liberty, and shall not again be arrested for the same cause. However, if the deserter shall be found to have committed any crime or otfense, his surrender may be delayed until the tribunal before which his case shall be pending shall have pronounced its sentence, and such sentence shall have been carried into effect.