Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/219

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212 Punmo ranarms. will grant them in Europe one or more free ports, where they may bring; and dispose of all the produce and merchandize of thethirteen United States; and His Majesty will also continue to the subjects of the said States the free ports which have been and are open in the french islands of America; of all which free ports the sand subjects of the United States shall enjoy the use, agreeable to the regulations which relate to them. Antriomz XXXI. Ratinoations. The present treaty shall be ratified on both sides, and the ratifications shall be exchanged in the space of six months, or sooner if possible. S,g,m,,,,,,,_ In iaith whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the above articles, both in the French and English languages, declaring, nevertheless, that the present treaty was originally composed and concluded in the French language, and they have thereto affixed their seals. paw, `Done at Paris this sixth day of February, one thousand seven hundred and seventy-eight. O. A. GERARD. [L. s.] B. FRANKLIN. [L. s.] SILAS DEANE. Ft. s.] ARTHUR LEE. L. s. j FORM OF PASSPORTS AND SEA-LETTERS. Form of the passports and letters, Forme des passeports et lettres qui yhieh are to be given to the ships doivent étre donnes aux vaisseaaur and barks, according to the twenty- et barques conformement a l’artiele seventh article of this treaty. `vingt sept du traité ei-dessus. 6_To all who shall see these pres- A tous ceux qui les presentes ents, greeting: It is hereby made verront, soit notoire que faculté et known that leave and permission permission a. été accordée a has been given to i- -—-, — —-, maitre ou command? master and commander of the ship ant du navire appellé —, de la called —, of the town of ————, ville de 1, de la. capacité de burthen ——— tons or thereabouts, ——-— tonneaux ou environ, se troulying at present in the port and vant presentement dans le port et haven oft W, ami bound fc? havre de ;-, est destiné pour 1-,.n aenwi ————·:1- -; ——-—-· ’. ` ter that his ship has been visited, que sonzhahiéé iiiété visité and before sailing, he shall make son depart il pretera sernient entre oath before the officers who have les mains ,des officiers de marine the jurisdiction of maritime ailairs, que le d. navire apartient a un od that the said ship belongs to one or plusieurs sujets de ——- dont more of the subjects of ———, the l’acte sera mis alafin des presentcsact whereof shall be put at the end de meme qn’il gardera et tera gardei of these presents, as likewise that par son équipagelesordonnanceset he will keep, and cause to be kept réglemeutsi maritimes et remettra by his crew on board, the marine une liste signée et contirmée par teordinances and regulations, and en- moins contenant les noms et surter in the proper officealist, signed noms,,les lieux de naissance et la gngw1tnessed,conta1ningthenames demeure des personnes composant n . surnames, the places of birth l’equ1page de son navire et de tous and abode of the crew oi. his ship, ceux qui s’y embarqueront lesquels gud of all who shall embark on il ne recevra pas a bord saiis lacon- Og*;)Igul15>:$i;{l};<Gf;1tl1cl§balllnot take noissance et la permission des odi- _ _ fth 1;% now edgeand ciersde marine; etdanschaque port permission 0 e officers of the ma- ou havre on il entrera avec son na-