Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/740

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swnonu AND Nonwxr, ism. 733 land or islands, which at any time has been denominated the West Indies, in contradistinction to that other portion of the earth denomi— nated the East Indies. Aurroms IV.* The United States of America, on their part, agree that all articles the growth, produce, or manufacture, of the countries surrounding the Baltic Sea, or bordering thereon, which are permitted to be imported in vessels of the United States, whether these articles be imported, directly or indirectly, from the Baltic, may likewise be imported into the United States in Swedish or Norwegian vessels; and there shall not then be paid for the said vessels, or for the cargoes, any higher or other duties, imposts, or charges, whatsoever, than those which would be paid by vessels of the United States in the same circumstances, with an addition only of ten per centum on the said duties, imposts, and charges, and no more. ` In order to avoid all uncertainty in respect to the duties, imposts, or charges, whatsoever, which a vessel belonging to the citizens or subjects of one of the contracting parties ought to pay, on arriving in the ports of the other, with a cargo consisting partly of articles the growth, produce, or manufacture of the country to which the vessel belongs, and partly of any other merchandize, which the said vessel is permitted to import by the preceding articles, it is agreed that, in case a cargo should be thus mixed, the vessel shall always pay the duties, imposts, and charges, according to the nature of that part of the cargo which is subjected to the highest duties, in the same manner as if the vessel imported this sort of merchandise only. Anrronn V. The high contracting parties grant mutually the liberty of having, in C¤¤¤¤l¤·r ¤¤¤<>¤‘¤- the places of commerce and ports of the other, Cousnls, Vice-Consuls, or Commercial Agents, who shall enjoy all the protection and assistance necessary for the due discharge of their functions. But it is here expressly declared that, in case of illegal or improper conduct in respect to the laws or government of the country to which they are sent, the said Consul, Vice-Consul, or Agent, may be either punished according to ‘ law. dismissed, or sent away, by the offended Government, that Government assigning to the other the reasons therefor. It is, nevertheless, Inyiolability of understood, that the archives and documents relative to the affairs of °'°h*"°°- the consulate shall be protected from all examination, and shall be carefully preserved, being placed under the seal of the Consul and of the authority of the place where he shall have resided. The Consuls and their deputies shall have the right, as such, to act S¤¤t1¤¤¤¤¤t¤fdifas judges and arbitrators in the differences which may arise between :";;‘:r:“aug°g;?:; the captains and crews of the vessels of the nation whose affairs are entrusted to their care. The respective Governments shall have no right to interfere in matters of this kind except the conduct of the captain and crew shall disturb the peace and tranquillity of the country in which the vessel may be, or that the Consul of the place shall feel himself obliged to resort to the interposition and support of the executive authority to cause his decision to be respected and maintained; it being, nevertheless, understood, that this kind of judgment, or award, shall not deprive the contending parties of the right which they shall have, on their retm·n, to recur to the judicial. authorities of their own country Aarrcrm VI! In order to prevent all dispute and uncertainty in respect to what may be considered as being the growth, produce, or manufacture of the " This article was not ratified.