Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/942

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9 12 mnnx. Pago. Pago. Dugan, Andrew JZ, Duties an Importc—Con|;inned. claim of, allowed by commissioners. .` .. 640 sugar .. . . . ._.._ .. . . .. .. 340 Duke, Salathial A., sirup of sugar-cane Juice .. ,- .. 340 claim of, allowed by commissioners. ... 640 tsg§ers’ mn .. . .. . .. . . 308 Duluth, ten -b0ttoms .. r . . . . . . . . . 340 · appropriation for improving harbor of 237,456 tex-no and tagged tm .. .. 308 Pgmcan, Caroline, ‘ tin cons, containing fish admitted imo 308 widow’s pension. . . .. ; ...; 564 tin in plates or sheets. .. . . ... . 308 Dungey, Jesse . vcrmicelli . . , . ... · . . . . . 308 claim of, a.l1owod._by commissioners.; .. 597 yellow-motel bolts .. .. .. . - ... . 308 Dunkirk, N Y., · yellow sheathing-metal. . ..-- . ,308 J appropriation for improving harbor at 238, 457 free list- . Dunlap, Willwm TZ, v·1i¤¤·ri¤e . ..---· 1.--.-- ._.-- ...· ·-·- - 309 claim of, allowed by commissioners .. . . 597 begs, certain, in wluch gram has been D Abmmma L., . ‘ actually exported . ..-.. . ..·- - H 308 •:’vli:iow’s pension..,.-. . ,.. 675 barrels, certain, tho !Im11¤.fB»0i5¤I‘0 of UIQ - Dllléhfilg C., · tl t 405 b 1tUniteg.':i:ates . .. L. . :. . . $03 , o`cienc a pq1p1_ 'ui `on o al .. .. o ing-c s . ; .. L--. .. 1)uwn,Acm§p, . P y grnin— eortain,themmufacturc0ftbo claim of, allowed by commissioners, ... 637 United States ... ... .. .. — 309 Dunn, John C., ,_ handle-bolts , . .. . . .. 309 claim of, allowed by commissioners ‘ 585 machinery, ecrtam,,for manufacture from Dunn, John R., iiber of raunie, &c,, for two years · 308 claim ot, allowed by commissioners .. .. 650 quicksilver . , .. .- .. 309 Dunn? Lewis, _ seed of sugar-boot ..l . .. 309 claim of, allowed by commissioners . .. .589 shipplauking . . . . . . . . . . 309 Dunne, John, shocks, eortnm, when returned as barrels iiuding and sentence of eouriwmnrtial set » or boxes - . . , 309 aside. - .. . .. 552 spurs and stilts used in manufwcture of V Dunplw, N H., _ earthen ware, &c ...·. .. .. .,».. 309 payment to, for sugar seized 'by military Daiwa, . . · . · · ' authorities .. . .~. ... 632 provisions concerning equality of, in treaty Dimton, Spence, with Porn. . - . . , -- . 700, 701 claim of, allowed by commissions1s.., -.. .. 589 in treaty with Salvador. - ._- .. A - - l·. 727, 728 Duplmlv, Louis, ‘ in treaty with Orange Free State . ... 751 appropriation for payment tc. . 4l7 Dutton, Richard E,. Dawn .Stmulm·d, . . credit in accounts of, for postage-stamps additional duty on sugars to be levied oo- stolenjrom post-odico at Cavendish.. 538 cording to. . . ... 340 D’Wamiah and allied tribes, _ Durant, Thomas J, appropriation for payment of installments appiopriation to pay balance duo for proper- to . . . . . . . . 155, 430 ‘ ing revision of laws . 137 Dye, Richard, p for preparing revision of laws relating to claim of, allowed by commissioners.. .. 640 ` District of Columbia .. : . 376 Dyer, A. B., . . Duties on Iwgporta, see Customs Duties, credit in accounts of, for money transferred nuchovies . L .. . .- - 308 _ tocrebcl authorities at Richmond 548 bichromote of potassa_. Z. .. ,_. ___ 308 Dyer, Mwqiah, _ . cans mode of tm, containing fish admitted · claim of estate of, allowed by commissioners- 650 free ... . . ... 308 Dyer, Rathbum M., ea:em•¢o1·, clnommtc of pcbassa ...· · - ...- .. ... 308 claim of estate of Micqish Dyer, allowed by oouoeiitmted #1010:8505 ..·.- . ...- · -·-.. . - . . 340 commissioners .. . . . . 650 Boss silks .. . · . L .- . .-.~. . .-... 307 Dyer, Richard E, _ hops .. ... 308 claim of, allowed by commissioners .--- 592 jute—butt¤ ..:- . . . ... · .--- a 308 Dyson, John, lustiugs for buttons ...- .-.. ..-- -. 307 claim of, allowed by commissioners 597 macaroni . .. .. . . .. 308 man ufmctures of cloth for buttons . .. . 307 E, meladn. . ... .». . . 1-. .. .. ... 340 Eads, Jamca B., _. mirbsine, oil of .. .. . . .. 308 wit.]; others, authorized to construct works mohair cloth for buttons .. .. . . 307 - to maintain channel between South moisic iron . . ... .-. . . 308 Pass of Mississippi River and Gulf of. ·molasses .. ..- - .. .. ... 340 _ Mexico. J., . . . .. . 463 , nitro-bonzole .. . ..' 308 provisions concerning said work  ;...463—466 oil of mirbnue .. . . . . . . .. . . 2308 Eagle; Harbor, pomssa, clxvomate and bichromate of .. 308 a propriation for improvement of . 456 snrdiues . . . . . . . . .- . . . . 308 Eagic, ulia A., _ sowing-silk in the gum or puriiied .-.,. 307 claim of, allowed by commissioners 600 silk in the gum, not more advanced than Eimwst, Burrell, ’ i ' sinlgles, &o . -.. . ... 307 claim of, allowed by eommissionem. .;.. 580 , silk, goo s, &c., made og not otherwise pro~ Earnest, Jesse R., vided for, &,c 1 . . ... . - . . 307 claim of, allowed by commissioners.. . . 599 silk, goods. &o., in which silk is component Easley, Pleasant E., of chief value ... . .. 307 claim of, allowed by commissioners ,... 580 silk twist for buttons .. ...\. .. 307 East, James K., _ spun silk for filling .. . 307 claim of, allowed by commissioners.. . . .597 still wines in casks...,. . ., . .,.. 307 East Olnzatcr Qreek, NZ Y., still wines in bottles .. . . E . 307 npproprintion for improvemontof.  ; 400