Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/132

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106 FORTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 246. 1876. y I¤é1>¤<>¤<>r of gw, For the salaries of the inspector and of the assistant inspector of gas » mi; . and metres, one thousand ive hundred dollars: Provided, That an equal t r°m°‘ sum shall be paid out of the treasury of the District of Columbia. b Rovenuesof Dis- That the Secretary of the Treasury shall reserve of any of the reve- ‘ - im? *° b° *`°S°"'€d nues of the District of Columbia not required for the actual current i {‘fH£“°‘"°“ °“ 3*65 expenses of schools, the police, and the fire-department, a sum sufficient r ` to meet the interest accruing on the three-sixty-five bonds of the Dis- · trict during the dscal year beginning July nrst, eighteen hundred and seventy-six, and apply the same to that purpose; and in case there shall not be a sufficient sum of said revenues in the Treasury of the United g States, at such time as said interest maybe due, then the Secretary of A Deficiency to be the Treasury is authorized and directed, to advance from any money - ¢~dVe¤¤<=d· in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, a sum sufficient to pay said T., bg r aim- interest and the same shall be reimbursed to the Treasury of the United “ hnrsod. States from time to time as said revenues may be paid into said Treasury, until the full amount shall have been refunded. y Board of health, To provide a full record of births, marriages and deaths in the Dis- . Swim'? ¤°"i°°- trict of Columbia, and for a general sanitary inspection, which shall include the prevention of the exposure for sale of unwholesome food and the daily inspection of streets, alleys, yards, and all places where nuisances may exist injurious to health, and for the removal thereof, and of - all nuisances, including night soil, beyond the limits of the District of Columbia, and to prevent domestic animals from running at large, and for the protection of the public parks and grounds, sixteen thousand Proviso. six hundred and seventy dollars : Provided, That an equal sum shall be . paid out of the treasury of the District of Columbia, the combined sum to be expended as follows: Salaries. For salaries of five members of the board of health, five hundred dollars p each; treasurer, secretary, attorney, register of vital statistics, who shall each be selected from the board, five hundred dollars each, in addition to proviso, salary as members of the board : Provided, That any two of the abovenam ed officeis may be filled by the same person at the discretion of the board; medical sanitary inspector, on thousand five hundred dollars; health officer, two thousand dollars; four clerks, four thousand eight hundred dollars; dve sanitary inspectors, six thousand dollars; one poundmaster, one thousand dollars; and one messenger, seven hundred and twenty dollars; and for rent, one thousand three hundred and twenty dollars; printing, advertising, stationery, and blanks, one thousand dollars; transportation of offal, seven thousand five hundred dollars; laborers and pound-men, six hundred dollars; disinfeotants, five hundred dollars; postage, fuel, and lights, tour hundred dollars; miscellaneous sanitary work and contingent expenses, one thousand five hunp,.,v;,.,_ dred dollars: And provided further That in case of the prevalence of an epidemic within the District of Columbia, the Commissioners of the » District may expend through the board of health, such sum as they may think proper, not exceeding the sum of ten thousand dollars. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Expenses for Fon L1tFE-SAVING AND L1FE·BOAT srAT1oNs:—For salaries of superlif<>·¤==Wi¤g ¤°¥V*<=°· intendents of the life-saving stations at the following points, viz: On . the coasts of Long Island and Rhode Island, one thousand five hundred dollars; and on the coast of New Jersey, one thousand dve hundred dollars; assistant to the superintendent on the coasts of Long Island and Rhode Island, five hundred dollars; for superintendents on the coast of Massachusetts, on the coasts of Maine and New Hampshire, on the coasts of Virginia and North Carolina, on the coasts of Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia, on the coasts of Lakes Erie and Ontario, on the coasts of Lakes Huron and Superior, and on the coast of Lake Michigan, and for superintendent for the houses of refuge on the coast of Florida, each one thousand dollars, eight thousand dollars; in all, eleven thousand five hundred dollars. ,