Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/481

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FO1~`tTY·FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 211, 215, 216. 1876. 455 CHAP. 211.-—An act to supply an omission in the enrolment of the deficiency bill ap- July 19, 1876. proved March third, 1875. "—·—·;·——- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the proper accounting 0,,,,,,,, in W ohicers of the Treasury, in settling and adjusting the revenue, disburs- counts of James ing, and other accounts of James Atkins, late collector of internal A6ki¤¤· revenue for the fourth district of Georgia, are hereby directed to credit said Atkins with the sum of fourteen thousand eight hundred and nineteen dollars and thirty-three cents, on account of loss of that amount _ by default of deputies in his employ, the amount being lost without neglest or fault of said Atkins. Approved, July 19, 1876. CHAP. 215.-An act for the relief oibtlm gimily of the late John T. King and of L. July 19, 1876, . 11 BI'. ·—=·————-——-—· Whereas John T. King, lately employed as a carpenter and cabinet- Preamble. maker about the Capitol, while in the discharge of his duties, was killed by an explosion of gas in the closet under the eastern stairway of the Senate, leaving a wiie, three children, two grandchildren, and a motherin·law without any means of support; and ‘ Whereas L. B. Cutler, principal assistant in the folding-room of the Senate, was so injured, at the same time and under the same circumstances, as to be disabled for life, leaving a wife without means of support, and a mother to whose support he has partly contributed: Theretore, ‘ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _ _ States of America in Congress assembled, That the sum of three thousand !*PP¤`°l*m**!°“ fm` dollars for the aid and support of the family of the late John T. King, §f,‘}m°$}. ,,,3; and the further sum of three thousand dollars for the aid and support L_ B_ dnglgpf ° ` of L. B. Cutler, is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to be paid to the Secretary of the Interior in trust for the above mentioned purposes, who may, at his discretion, pay the same to the respective parties in annual installments, or all in one payment, or invest the same for their use and beneiit, as he may think most expedient. Approved, July 19, 1876. CHAP. 216.-—An act for the relief of Anderson J. Smith July 19, 1876, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Paymaster-General of I{ayment to A. J. the Army be, and he is hereby, directed to pay to Anderson J. Smith S¤“'»h· late of Company A, one hundred and thirtieth regiment of Illinois Volunteer Infantry, the pay and allowances of an assistant surgeon in the Army from May sixth, eighteen hundred and sixty four, to the date of his muster-out of service, on the seventeenth day of June eighteen hundred and sixty-uve, deducting whatever pay he received for said term as sergeant , and that such pay ment shall be made out of any money appropriated for the pay of the Army. MILTON SAYLER, · Speaker of the House of Representatives pro temporc T. W. FEI~tl~tY President of the Senate pro tempore Received by the President July 7, 1876. ` [Norm nv THE DEPARTMENT on STATE.-—ThG foregoing act having been presented to the President of the United States ter his approval,