Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/787

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762 CONVENTION-UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION. JUNE. 1, 1878. Grouping mat- 1° Que ehaque objet pris isole- 1st. That each article taken sin-

  • °'» °°““““°d· ment ne depassera pas les limites gly shall not exceed the limits

qui lui sont applicables quant an which are applicable to it as repoids et quant a la dimension; gards weight and size. 2° Que le poids total ne peut pas 2d. That the total weight must dépasser deux kilogrammes par not exceed two kilogrammes per envoi · package. 3° Que la taxe sera au minimum 3d. That the minimum charge de 25 centimes si l’envoi contient shall be 25 eentimes when the des papiers d’aH`aires, et de 10 cen- packet contains com1ner·cial papers, times s’il se compose d’imprimés et and 10 eentimes when it consists of d’éehantillons. printed matter and samples. XX. XX. Correspondaynces réeapédéées. Re/`orwardcd Correspondence. Refer-warding 1. En execution de Particle 10 de 1. In execution of Article 10 of ¢=<>H¤¤P¤¤<l¤¤¤¤- la Convention, et sauf les exeep- the Convention, and subject to the tions prevues au paragraphe 2 du exceptions specified in paragraph 2 present article, les correspondances of the present Article, correspondde toute nature adressees, dans ence of every kind circulatingin the l’Union, at des destinataires ayant Union, addressed to persons who change de residence sont traitees have changed their residence, is par Yofiice distributeur, comme si treated by the delivering office as if elles avaient em adressees directe- it had been addressed directly from ment du lieu d’origine au lieu de la the place of origin to the place of nouvelle destination. new destination. 2. A1’egard des envois du service 2. \Vith regard to articles of the interne de l’un des pays de 1’Union interior service of one of the counqui entrent, par suite de reexpédi- tries of the Union, which enter, in tion, dans le service d’un autre pays consequence of reforwarding, into de l’Union, on observe les regles the service of another country of suivantes: the Union, the following rules are observed: 1° Les envois non aifranchis ou 1st. Articles unpaid or insuffiinsufnsamment aflranchis pour leur ciently paid for their iirst transmispremierparcours sonttraitescomme sion, are treated as international correspondances internationales et correspondence, and subiected by irappes, par Pottiee distributeur, de the delivering office to the charge la taxe applicable aux envois de applicable to articles of the same meme nature direetement adressés nature addressed directly from the du pays d’origine dans le pays on country of origin to the country in se trouve le destinataire; which the addressee may be. 2** Les envois regulierement af- 2d. Articles regularly paid for iranchis pourleur prcmierparcours, their first transmission, and upon et dont le complement de taxe ati which the remainder of the charge ferent an parcours ulterieur n’a pas relating to the further transmission ete acquitte avant leur reexpedi- has not been paid previous to retion, sont frappes, suivant leur na- forwarding, are subiected, accordture, par Pofiice distributeur, d’une ing to their nature, by the delivering taxe egale a la difterence entre le ofliee, to a charge equal to the ditprrx d’atfranchissement deja ac- ference between the prepaid rate qnitté et celui qui aurait été pereu, already paid and that which would si les CIIVOIS avaient été expedies have been levied if the articles had prrmrtivement sur la nouvelle des- been originally dispatched to their tination. Leanontant de cette dif- new destination. The amount of ference. doif etre exprnne en francs this difference must be expressed et centimes a cote des timbres-poste in francs and centimes at the side par l’oiHce reexpedrteur of the postage stamps by the reibrwarding office. Dans Pun et l’autre cas, les taxes I n both cases, the charges con-