Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/891

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866 INDEX. Page. § Pago. Hcrrring, H H., é Hililerbrand, Charles C., payment to .. -- . . .. .. 129 payment to . . .. . . .. .. Hcring, James, deceased, _ Ililderbrand, Ida JI., payment to widow and children of .. -- 657 payment to . . . . . . . . . . 558 Herring, John, sr., Hildcrbrand, Socrates J., payment to . . . .. -.. . . 559 payment to ..-. . . . . .-.. -. 558 Herring, John C., deceased, Hilo, James A., payment to estate cf. . . . . . 517 Army reeorel cm·ri·¢·ti·d;honorable discharge. 618 Hwrnai Mary E, _ Hill, ccmrm-1, aams»:m·im·u, I‘**·Ym*mt to ··-- - ----- · ··--· - -·--··----- - - 057 pn.vment to .. . ,.,,..,, , _ . ,... - -, . ,___ 639 HNYHIGTI, CTIGTICO, Ifdwapd, lmymcut to ---- ···- ·- ·--·-· --·-·- 639 payment to .. . ... 558 H<···rM•, Wiliam, Hill, Mom, lima": P”=Ym°“t *0 —-·- · · ·-··· · ·---· · ···-- -- -- 506 payment to estate of. . . . . . . 6:19 Hervey, WW1?-. mu, nvzzium .4., Piwment t° ······ · ····· ···· ······ ···· -·-· 525 charge of desertion: removed. . .. .. 618 HMB, David, Hillbriaut S•;h·eal¢·r· P“‘5’m°“t to ···· · ··········· · ···· · ······ ·· 509 pnvmmit to .,... .. . . -. 636 Hensclberger, Gustav A., Hm,;,. J,,],,, M_ credit in accounts of . . . . . . 540 ,,,,_yQ,,,.,,t to _’ _ _ _ mm H<’~*¤¢’.U» L- C-, 9”¤"di“"·i _ |_ Ilillery, William7l’.,· l U ···· -·-' U P”Y'“°“* t° ···· ···· · ····· · ········-·· ·-·· (’4·‘ payment to .. .. . . 662 Heftel', J¢*m¢'*» _ Hilliard, AZcraniIer, deceased, l’*‘5’m‘—‘“*’ T° ------ · ----- · -·-—· · -·--· - ·---· 007 payment to estate of. .,, . . . . ,..,,, 506 Htwvv, Pwd T-. 11111:.mi, 1J1mi1w11i., 1>=w¤¤•=¤*= *0 ---- - ——--- - ---—----- ------ 509 pavmm it .. . ,,.., _ .,___ , __,,_ . _____ 551 Hawa, Hang TK, administrator, . ." _ . . . payment to ____________"" nn-"--- _·_· 524 Hilliard, Martha, adirizniatratrix, Hews, James A-, nr., dvwawd, H?};”y”"°“(Y F? " ,,;" ‘‘‘‘·‘ ‘ ····· · ··········· 50** payment to estate of ..,... . . . . -,.. 524,"ta"* f."°’;']G , °· ,_ Hmm, Nancy J, H5 {Em Dol , £`0;,5ei11n;lIinf taxes reopened .. 591 ,-_iv'·1‘ 'tl. Payment to `````-``` " ``'``````````` " 601 €X&lIIlll{litl0l1 null surwzey of mouth of . , . , ,, 160 Hewitt, Thomas TK, . . , pension tc. . . . - ... 581 Him)"! ('CPTQC B _ , f Hey. Gevmei ]1;}}:,I]],°{}‘Tj§,,},$:" ‘“ ml ° ‘‘‘‘··‘·‘‘··‘····· 40* H¥,;l:'v5;,];;(;;}tR,(;e;_; ic',,,;';'' “ `'``'’' 126 payment to ,, ,,,, , ,,,_, _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _ ______ (33,*3 appropriations for improvement of ... 155. 368 H"‘*»,A"";,°{*!/· 7,** , Hickey’s Constitution, [ipa? D5!} 3 ‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘' "" ······ • ···•· ·· 5*2 appropriation for purchase of Cummings’s mc '* " ‘" ‘¤ N edition of .. . ... . . .. 240 lmyment t° ‘ '‘ ‘ ‘‘·‘’‘•···· · ····· · •···· 6*’•) · · Hanes A D (` Hzckey, David, lmyfumllt {0/" Mr payment to. . ... . . . . . . 561 _ " " '‘ "’'‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘‘’’'‘’' " Hickey, James, Hmm: Isaac; .ae?s::z..t0 ·--· ···· ··-· · -·----·-· 553 H22:2z,"a:$.;?· ···· · ······ · ···· · ···· ·· ···-·· °°“ payment to . . . . . . . . Q . 639 1l¤Y¤1<>11Q¥0 ---- - --. ·- . . . . . ... 645 Hickman, aims, , Hmkvvm i' lvmwe. payment to . ... . , ..,, 506 P=¤Y1¤101l¥i to .-.. .-.. . . ($29 Hickman, William L., guardian, 1 H'"""!", S- U-, duplicate cheek to; proviso. . . ..,.., ., . 527 l p¤·5'¤10116 to -- . ... . . . . 120 Hiern, Charles, .H·¤vl•¢w*, N¢m¢'.V» payment to use of .. .. ..., -, ,, 6511>=i·ym0ut iq ·... -. .. . . .-.. . . .. 552 Hiern, Emma Eliza, Hmm": M‘""'” J-, payment to use of ... . .. ., . ,.,,, _ ,___, 651 payment to .. . . . . . . . . 654 Ham, Roger A., amazed, HW of Q~¤i·#~·8. Army, payment to estate of. . . .., _,,, 651 f ¤I>1¤`0I>1`iMi011S TOP . ... 3, H8 Higginbollmm, James MZ, 506 * Hitch, E. V., administrator, paymen 0 . . .' payment to .. . . . . .. .. 'F7 Higgme, Andrew F., Ilifeh, Thomas, 0) pension to . . .. . . . . .. . . 594 payment to -. . . . . . . . . ..·. 599 Higgins, Hallcarjy 11, Hztclzirm, Amy, adminislralriav, payment to .. . . . . . .. . .. . . 633 payment to .. . .. . .. . . 054 Higguw, Joseph C., Hiron, Henry, payment to ---- - ----------- ------ 504 p¤ym<=¤t to ------ - ---· - ---- ·----· 645 High Tffmes, · _ Hixon, James M., eertam1neorp0rated colleges, etc.,ma.ywith- payment to . . . . .. . . . . 645 draw, for preserving specimens .. 48 H ixon, William, High, John, payment to . . . . . . . . . . 506 payment to .. 649 Ilixon, W. M., Highberger, John, payment to .- -. .. .. *19 r, _ V _ ·• n) payment to 1.. .. . . . . .. . . . . .>0‘2 Ilixson, II ashmgion, H1gh,lo;ise1·, Sarah 1;,, payment To __,__, _ __,,, , _____ __ ,,,, , , _ , _, 561 payment to .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 561 Iloag or Hoge, Andcrerm, Hzg/1to1ee1·, T, B, (colored), payment to , _,.. . _,._,. , ,,,__ , ,,,,,,_ ,,,, 645 payment to ., . . . . . . . . 645 Hoard’e Rocks, Hilderbrand, Briscoe B., appropriation for lock and dum at, in M0- payment to . ... . . 558 4 nongahelu. River .. . . . .. 155