Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/416

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3.86 FQRTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 130. 1881. sand dollars; three laborers in the office of the Secretary of the Senate seven hundred and twenty dollars each; one page in the offico of the; Secretary of the Senate, at two dollars and fifty cents per day, nine hundred and twelve dollars and fift cents. Chaplain For Chaplain, nine hundred dollags. _Sccr¤tary to the For secretary to the Vice-President, two thousand one hundred and V‘°°‘P’°*”d°“°· two dollars and forty cents. For messenger to the Vice-President’s room, to be appointed by the _ Vice—President, one thousand four hundred and forty dollars. vomuuttcc clerks. d Fgrdclerk to the Committee on Appropriations, twothousand five hunre 01 ars. For assistant clerk to the Committee on Appropriations, one thousand SIX hundred dollars, to be appointed by the committee. Fgrjcleiik a15d (stgnplgrapher to the Committee on Finance, two thousan ve un re dollars. d Igor clerk of printing records, two thousand two hundred and twenty o ars. For eli>rkktpth1eCgmmitt,;;e on Claims, cgerk to the Committee on Commerce_ c er . o e omm1. ee ont e u iciary clerk to the Committee gn Priwate LanLdi_C;a11ns,u<;lerk tc; tge Committee on Pensions, clerk to ommi ee on 1 1 ary airs c er to Committee on I’ost—Of[ices and 1i0s£l§oa,d1s,fgr clerktto the Cpmrnitteii on the District of Columbia, for cer o e o_mm1 ee on ava A airs for clerk to the Joint Committee on the Library, and for clerk to the ,Committee on the Census, at two thousand two hundred and twenty dollars each. uE_,r%%z&;;;r· For Sergeant-at-Arms and Doorkeeper, four thousand three hundred mdu1,mmnm_ » and twenty dollars; assistant doorkeeper, two thousand five hundred i¤£11<ll({1;g¤(e§*—téwo_d<€lati~s; agting assilstant doorkeeper, two thousand five n nine y- wo dollars · t ree messen ers act'n as as 'sta t doorkeepers, one thousand eightjhundred dollargs each. 1 g S1 D g°Egg;§Ag>H£·¤r- For clerk to the Sergeant-at-arms, two thousand dollars. (Postmaster. d hier Postmaster to the Senate, two thousand two hundred and fifty Bgghargawigsgstang postmaster and nail-cariger, two thousand and eighty- · r ma1 -carr1ers a one thousand two hundred dollars each. , ’ Superintendent For superintendent of the docu d _ _ _ ment-room two thousand one hun- °°“m°“*"’°°m dredl and sixty dollars; two assistants in dodument-room, at one M1011- san tour hundred and forty dollars each; one page in the the documentroom, seven hundred and twenty dollars; superintendent of the folding- £3f>d¥£igwgozhogsandgggahgmchgiand snlcty dollars; one assistant in the , ‘ > un re dollars. Messengers. d ll or twenty-four messengers, at one thousand tour hundred and forty o_ arsletach; messenger to the Committee on Appropriations, to be ap- §>a<;;1• emesyéatligeegogilmélttee, at pm; thousand four hundred and forty doly - arge o s or th h d 1 iigklars , message to at esta .-$3-2.E2g· T-5..., 3E52E2u3S5d t33b3i- Chi f ‘· · · md ,;m§g},§;;°°*` 3,S£§>;‘ae1l;1eien_g1neer, two thousand one hundred and sixty dollars; th1‘6<¤ mich, cOD<gI:1%1g<;®;?,`3»,g org thousatnd foug hundred and forty d0llaI‘S

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firemen, at one thousand and ninety-fi:<=?ldolla;·Vs)ead1ll1; 1three(labIoSrersVl1(i Eight skilled thiipehglntffe department, at seven hundred and twenty dollars e&0h· hbomm, om tw {DT elgb li Skllled laborers, at one thousand dollars each per dI1H11m; bose;? 3·h0I'eI‘S at Sevenhundred and twenty dollars each ; and 0110 1** twglv fich arge of the pmvate passage, eight hundred and forty dollars; twmb; 5'*O1i);?;%&2EP;53§ ;g3uSBSS1gIl, at the rate of seven hundred Bild . .. ‘ m·emaet t' h fth · d1es’ retiring-room, seven hundred and Btswtelhtyéndollaifs Flgléegqraphg 03- C V erator, one_thousand two hundred dollars per annum. , Pmggmgvut $1- Pg;" cpnctingent expenses of the Senate, namely: s a ionery and newspapers, including five thousand dollars for