Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/206

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178 FOBTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 331. 1884. of secretary’s office, legislative halls, and rooms for storage of Government property ; postage ; stationery and blanks; light, oil, and candles; fuel; repairs and purchase of furniture; messenger and porter; labor and care of Government property; clerk in secretary’s office; and incidental expenses, thirtyeight thousand dollars. Contingent ex- For contingent expenses, to be expended by the governor, five hun- P¤¤¤¤¤· dred dollars. Idaho. Tnimrroux or I1>ABO.—For salary of governor two thousand six B¤l¤¤‘i¤¤- hundred dollars; chief justice and two associate judges, at three thousand dollars each; and secretary, at one thousand eight hundred dollars, thirteen thousand four hundred dollars. Legislative ox- For legislative expenses, namely : Forper diem of members and officers P°”°°“· of the legislative assembly; printing; stationery and blanks; fuel, lamps oils, and candles; brooms and dusters; rent of secretary’s office and legislative balls, library rooms, and storage rooms for Government property; furniture and repairs to furniture; fuel; lamps, oil, candles, brooms, and dusters; postage and seals; ice; messenger and porter for secretary’s office; and incidental expense of secretary’s office, twenty- seven thousand and forty-five dollars and forty cents. Contingent ox- d Fiprécimtiugent expenses, to be expended by the governor, five hun- P¤¤¤¢¤· re o 31*8. Montana. Tnnmronr of Mozuuuu.-For salary of governor, two thousand six $¤]¤¤°¤- hundred dollars; chief justice and two associate judges, at three thousand dollars each ; and secretary, at one thousand eight hundred dollars, thirteen thousand four hundred dollars. , Lgghlgtivg u. For legislative expenses, namely: For per diem of members and otIipence- cers of the legislative assembly; rent of secretary’s office, legislative halls and committee-rooms, and storageroom for Government property ; furniture, stoves, carpets, and repairilpg; porter and messenger for secretary’s office ; postage- stationery printing; fuel and lights; furniture and repairs on fyurniture; clerk in secretary’s office; and tele- · graphing, twenty-two thousand dollars. Contingent ox- For contingent expenses of the Territory, to be expended by the gov- P¤¤¤¤¤· eruor, five hundred dollars. New mexico. Tnnmronv or NEW Mnxroo.-For salary of governor, two thousand www six hundred dollars; chief justice and two associate judges, at three thousand dollars each; secretary, at one thousand eight hundred dollars · and interpreter and translator in the executive ogce, at five hundred, dollarsfathirteen thousand nine hundred dollars. Logisnuvo ox- For legis five expenses, namely : For rent, light, fuel, stationery, 1>¤¤¤¢¤· incidentals, and pay of messenger, one thousand five hundred dollars. Contingent ox- For gondlrigegliltedextpenses of the Territory, tobe expended by the gov- P¤¤¤°¤- ernor, ve un ollars. Utah. Tmmzrroizx or U·r.ur.—For salary of governor, two thousand six Salaries. hundred dollars; chief justice and two associate judges, at three thousand dollars each ; and secretary, at one thousand eight hundred dollars, thirteen thousand four hundred dollars. Legislative ox- For legislative expenses, namely: For current and contingent ex- P°’“’°°· penses of the secretary’s odlm, two thousand dollars. contingent ox- For conti]ng•3n!t“¢;x(penses of the Territory, to be expended by the gov- P°¤¤•=¤· ernor, flve un ollars. Utah. For the salaries of the commissioners appointed under an act entitled §¤!¤¤i•>¤ of Cvm- “An act to amend section tlfty-three hundred and fifty-two of the Be- "‘§f‘§l·‘§’223°;$•b9 vised Statutes of the United States, in reference to bigamy, and for 22 Sgt, 5g_other purposes," approved March twenty-second, eighteen hundred and E enghtytwo, twenty-aye thousand dohlars. ¢v¤¤¤••· or expenses o e commission or rintin station clerk-]:' 1>•·m•o. omce-rent, fifteen thousand dollars; I’ro£€dod, That out me sum tilt commission is hereby authorized to pay the secretary of the Territory, who_is its secretary and disbnrsing agent, s reasonable sum for such service, not exceeding six hundred 'dollars, for the llscal year eighteen hundred and eighty-five. ~