Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/1149

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1122 INDEX. Pogo. I Page- Mitclxell, James, Morlitors, Double-Telrreied, _ _ paymgnt tg _____,,_,, ______ ___,,, __,_ ____ 678 1 (l01J1p161E10D of PllTlt3D,AmphltI:}t€; M0u$d' { ` Mitchell, John, Q nook, and Terror, authorrzed ... .215 payment t0_ __, ________________ , ...,_, t,. 673 I appropriation for c011St1‘l10£1011 --------- -· 594 Milchell, John K., - for armament .--- - ----·------- · ---- -·-· 594 political disabilities removed .. ... 887 l for 3I‘ll101‘ Bild gu? $$*1 ---- ~ --·-- - ----· 594 Mitchell, Captain John L., I to be of domcstw manufacture.. .. 594 appointed mzmnger National Home for Dis- Jlanongahela Navigataon Company, _ abled Volunteers .. -. .. 343 I value of WOI'kB ot to be d€t€I'mi¤¤d~ by Mitchell, John TIT, l board of engmcers .. ... 324 payment to -... .. . ... 777 Jlonongahela River, Pa. and YK Va., Mitchell, Lucy JZ (widow),appropriation for improvement of .. .. 318 pension ,. . ... . ... . .,. 712 Llonroe, Jloch., Mitciwll, Thomas A., appropriation for improvement of harpayment to - . . . . . . . .- .-.. 673 bor .. . .. - .·-. · - 315 Mitchell, Thomas F., Monroe, George W, payment to ,... .-.. . . . ... 947 payment to ... . . . 677 Mitchell, William P., Monroe, Grafton, payment to. ... . . 664 to be allowed credit for certain postal Mix, William, funds, etc., stolen . . 883 payment to . . ,... 956 Monroe, Lutetia E., Mize, Jonathan, payment to .. . ... -... 949 payment to widow of . 949 Monroe, Nelson, Jloats, John H., pension increased .. - . .. .. 848 payment to ... ... ..' .. 778 Montana, Moberly, James JI., appropriation for incidental expenses Inpoymont to .. .. . . 956 dian service in .. . .- 43, 463 , Mobile, .4 Ia., for salaries, government in ... . 192, 614 appropriation for improvement of harbor- 314 for legislative expenses . .. 192, 614 Mobile and Ohio Railroad, for clerk in secretary’s office . t 192 refund of tax to .. . . -801, 645 for contingent expenses ,,.. . 192, 614 claim oi, to be adjusted . . --- . 645 for surveyor-genera,]; clerks .,... .. .,.. 204, 627 Mobley, Stephen, for contingent expenses . _,.. , . ., 204, 627 payment to administrator of . ...-. 763 for additional associate justice guppgmg Mookbee, R. H., court of .,,, . .,.,. , _,,, _ ,,,_,, _ __,, 208 P8-YIHGHW to ---·-- - ---- ·-- . ----·.·-·-- 763 D€g0biBti0DsWith Indians in northern, for Modoc Indiana, modification of treaties -. . . 44 appropriation for fuhilling treaty with. .. . 34 deficiency appropriation for incidental ex. deficiency appropriation for support of., .. 307 pauses Indian sq;-vim, ______ _ _______ 293 Modoc I ndiana, lndian Territory, supreme court to consist of chicfjustico and appropriation for support, Etc., of . 42,462 three judges; quorum ________ _ _____ 138 Modoo Indians, Klamath Agency, no judge to srt in appeal from his own appropriation forsupporn, etc., of . 42,462 . decision ___________ ___ ____ __ _______ 138 Jloer, Smmuzl H., i divided into four judicial districts .. - 138 adjustment of accounts, authorized ... 970 ; offenses committed prior to this act to lro payment to legal representatives . --.. 970 l tried in present courts .- .’.. . . . - 138 Jloietien. l to be credited amount clue on ordnance acnpproprintion for compensation in lieu of .237, 524 Q count .. . . . . . 404 Jlokelumnc River, Cal., f 3% Jlonfana, Gros Venfren Indiana in, _-- appropriation or improvement 0 , ai 1 iro rmtion for su nor , ,, , Molan (or Jloleu), Wuley, [ Mongmrirlleo, pl ty ctc I of ·--N4], 461 payment to administrator of . 673 appropriation for consul at .. 113 483 Molel Indians, - Montgomery, .-1. (1., ’ appropriation for fulfilling treaty with.. .35, 455 . payment to administrator of .. 663 Moles, Paschal,Montgomery, Benjamin, I o"` payment to .. . ..,..,. 962 pnymqmt to ___._ , ,,,, , .,,.. ,,,,.. ,_,, 679 Jlonadnook, Montgomery, Hugh, --" completion of eloublmturretod monitor, di- payment to . . .. . . 673 -rcct€d .-.- .. .. . 215 ,]lontgamery,,L I)., I.-"- ·-··-- Monahavr, Robert, payment to . . 676 ].`•G¤B}0¤· ---· · ··-·~- ---· -··· -·-··-»- ·-···. 727 lfoutgmnery, 3am;;], nun""`- Monat, David, ‘ payment to ... 774 payment to, for losses, wreck of the Ashue- Mgnfig, 55;,;, C_ 0,.;,],,,,) ° ’ "" 10U · ---·- - ·---- ~ ·---·--·-~·------·- 891 pension ...,.. _,__ ____ I_ ______ 850 Jlonetary Cfonferleincea, _ t d d_ mb H M0]; @,,1;,,,, mv '‘`'`'‘ ‘‘‘‘ m rtso,to eroprme; ns u on-. 346 a m ri ‘ · · ·

and Sirthrinditgwg 3;.51;;,,gé t Moggeag *****0*1 Y0! public- bmlding ______ __ _ pu

tra or o a proprm non or gas or os - appropriatiou for consul- M Ofdmcygevmmmt *¤ ---- - -·—------— 7 M pin ook hire .. .. {YI}`? if jj ‘‘‘‘ H}; fg}, WG- 6* fw, · ~ onummt Mm n ```` reduced on amounts less than tivo doHu·s - 86 l appropriation0f:1{,sta:£ag’oIf?l.¢&e1gt{;8l;t 18 Jfvncy-Ordvr Olivv. _ l Moody, Joseph s., ‘‘‘° appropriation for pay of superintendent, pension ______ __ _________ _ 859 · clerks, ctc . . . .. . .. 206,629 Jloopeyhqy, 3;,,,,,;, M (Md,,;;' ’`‘‘‘‘‘‘ for rent . . . - - 207, 630 pension ______ _ ________ _ _ _ ’ 813 Mwrvy-Grim. 2lIoore,A.E., ’‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ penalty for forging, ctc., foreign .. 355 payment to ____ _ _____ ____ M8