Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/1153

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1 ] 26 INDEX. Page. _ _ _ Page. Naval Advisory Board, < Naval Service Approprzalzons-Contiuucd. _ appropriation for pay of civilian members. 1.50 l for Naval Observatory, erection of build- _ no be in full for services rendered ... 150 g ing.. .. .. .. .. .. -. .. 106 Naral Asylum, Philadelphia, Pa , ; for Marine Corps, pay of officers and men.156, 590 appropriation for salaries and expenses..152, 586 g civil force -. 1--. -. -. ..156, 090 to be paid from naval pension fund. .-.. 152, 586 ‘ provisions: clothing; fuel -. .. .. . . 156, 591 fight of Way across grounds of, to Schuyl- l military stores. - :. . . . - ._. .. 150, 591 kill River East Side Railway Com- , transportation; repairs; contingeucies.1:>1,591 pany ____ __ _ _ ______ _ _______________ 17 ; balances existing after accounts of the location to be approved by Secretaries of year have been served to be covered Vlrar and of the Navy ...-. .. .-.--.-- 17 - into the Treasury -. ,. . . ...- .. . - 157 Naval Establishment, for increase of the naval establishment,. . - 592 construction of new vessels for, authorized- 215 for steel gunboats and cruisers . . .. .. - 592 drawings, etc., of new vessels, machinery, [ terms of contracts_.-. . .-.- . . . . 5953 etc., to be adopted before making i ‘ place of construction .--.-. . - . 593 contracts . . - .-..-.. 216 i readvertisement of the N ewark .--. -- - 593 provisions of contracts for vessels for in- for Boating batteries, rams, 6170 ---··------ 593 crease of - . . .--. 216 for torpedoes. etc . -.· - 593 appropriation for increasing. -,. . ---.. 592 material for all naval structures, etc., to for two steel gunboats, . ..,, , ...,.. ,,,, 592 be of American pl'0(]llCB10l1 Bild ID311- for two steel cruisers ...--. . --..-..---.. 592 ufacture .. . . . .-.--..-·-..-- 593 cost: . ,,__, , . , ,.. . ,... 592 for construction, etc., double-turreted provisions of contracts .-.. ..-. ...-..- 593 monitors, cruisers, etc., heretofore premiums for speed ..-- -. -.-. ...- 593 authorized- ... .- ..-... 594 place of construction- .-... --. -..- 593 for armament .. . .-... . .. .. 594 may be designated by the President .. 593 for armor and gun steel ..-...--.. ..., 594 cruiser Newark to be readvertised for; deficiency appropriations for -. ...- . . 267,296 limit of cost increased .-.-.---.. .. . . 593 for additional pay, Theo. Gotlig. . . .. 267 for floating batteries, rams, etc. ; cost . . 593 for travelling expenses, officers. ..-.. .-.. 267 for torpedoes, etc , -..-. . ..-.. . . --.. 593 for freight .. .-.. ..---. . ..--.--. 267 materials used in naval structures and for contingent expenses .--..-.. -... 267 armament to be of American pro- for freight . ..--. . ..-..- 267 duction and manufacture ...-.. . -..- 593 for transportation, officers and men - 267 civilian experts, etc., may be paid from for contingent service, Ordnance Bureau. 268 appropriations for new ships . .- 593 for freight .-.. . . . ----...-... -.-. -. . 268 for continuing construction of double- for provisions; clothino; small stores- -- 268 turreted monitors, cruisers, and gun- forboxing instrumentsfilauticalAlmanac boats previously authorized ...- .-.. 594 Omoo. .,,,, _ _________________,_____ 268 for their armament, and of the Minn- for Naval Academy .,,,,, , ____, __ ,_____ 268 tonomoh and vessels now authorized 594 for Marino Corp; ________ _ _ _ _ ____ _ ______ 268 for armor and gun steel; to be of domes- for clothing lost or destroyed ..-... 270, 297, 302, tic manufacture , , , , , , . .,.,, 594 306, 307 Naval Observatory (see Observatory, Naval), for clothing and bedding destroyed for appropriation for pay of astronomers, etc.198, 621 sanitary purposes .-.. . ,,,, 270, 306, 307 for miscellaneous computations .-.. -. -19:3, 621 for clothing lost, Benjamin Atwood. ..-. 270 for apparatus, etc . - ...198, 621 for coal-shed, em., Port Royal, S, C` _____ 270 for books, etc ...- . 198, 621 for enlistment bounties ______ _ _297, 302, 306, 307 for contingent expenses- .. . - -. 198, 621 for bounty for degbrngtion of enemyg veg. for freight on publications .. - .- 198 sels ..--...- .. -... . .. .29i, 301, 306, 307 for fire-hose . . . ... .--.198. 621 Naval Stations, for commencing erection of new 156 appropriation for repairs, etc ...,. , .., 238 only ubservatorypr0per,with officesfor , Naval Training Station, Coaale·rs’ Harbor Islobservcis and computers to be com- and, lf. I., meuoed ..·--- · ·-.- · -·.--.--.- . ·-.-- 156 { appropriation for repairs aud expenses.. .238, 585 deficiency appropriation for contingent ex- i Navigation, Commissioner of, peuses ... . . . . . 267, 290 , appropriation for pay of. . . . .185, 607 _Nqpql Rggprdg, War of the Rebellion, , {git clerks, gpc __ _ _ ________,_ ,_ _ ____ , __]_85 601 appropriation for pay of clerks, etc., com- f to issue United States register to foreiurn- ’ piioiiou of ---····--- - -·-·- ··-- 197. 620 * built steamer "Nuevo Moetezumagu 369 Jmml Service Approprialirma, i Navy (scc also Naval ServiceAppropriatious) for pay of officers and men ... . .. 149, 581 appropriation for pay of. . . ,.,_,,, ,,,149 58] for misoeiioueous --·--- - ----·-...·--..»- 149, 581 for emergencies and extraordinary ex- ’ for civilian mgmberg, Naval Advisory pguggg _____ __ ____ __ _______ _ ______ 150 581 Board · -----· - ---··---- - ----------- 150 boloucee of appropriations for, to be cov- ’ fof €¤¤€1‘g€¤¤1€¤ ¤¤<1 €KtY¤01'di¤¤¤'Y 9K- ’ ered into the Treasury on settlement peueee -·-· - -- - -·-·— - ---·-·---·- ·- 150, 581 of accounts for the year .. 157 for Bureau of Navigation .. . . 150,581 deficiency appropriation for pay.296·§0i- 005 307 for Bureau of Ordnance , ..., 151,58*2 for migcgllgnggng __,__, __ ____ 296, 301, 305, 307 for Bureau of Equipment; and Recrniting,151, 583 for contingent ______ _ _ _____ - ’ ygggy 301 for Bureau of Yards and Docks-- ·..- 152,584 certain officers of may be retired"- H - n l351 or N=·=·=»u Asylum- -..- - ..·----.. 152. ree more my ·»¥··r-cm in to méiGé`Lé£+1 for Bureau of Medicine and Surgery . 152, 586 ice pension . . .1.. 352

`0r gureun 0; grovigions and glp{thing-,,l53,587 Navy Dgpqnmmg, n ·`~··- ..--0

or ureau o onstruczion an epairn.153, 587 appropriation for a · for Bureau of Steam-Engineering. - . .··-· 154, 588 pfgr gay of clerks? e{o0f.§(i‘ix;Bt5ry··.··• for N°"¤1A°¤d*>¤¤Y ——~—- · ·---·------·-·- 154689 , for clerks, etc- Bureau oi'·Yar•is•;¤id ` for expenses, Bonrd of Visitors, ,, ,, ,,_, 156 590 g Docks _____ Z ______ _ ____ _ ___ _ _ my 6%