Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/1167

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1 INDEX . Page. _ _ P“g°· Pgngigng gray; [ed fg_»C0ntinug(l_ .PQIl8IOJl-8 qT(l1ll£‘ll l0—CODtlDll0d. increased: lllCI‘€21SU(l I Crgvgn, Marin Louise ____ _ _____ ,_ , , ..., 787 l;lltl0I`W0Oll. JU-}-UBS A · ·--· · ········ · ···· Cravens, Josepii R - . . . . ...< 730 11g11S, Cww---; ---------·—-- ·----· B4:. cmcmr, gm.-1(nm D ,_,... . ... 710 V1{arr1,Cha1‘i¤¤ P ---- ---- - ·---·-—·-- §0 ’ 1>m.1sm., cum is .. . .. ##*9 Vvm·<1.T1·<>¤¤=¤¤ ------ - ·-------—---·--··- q ° Dnvig, 5,,;,1, p ______ _ __,,. , ,,. - 719 Waters,Brym1t ..--·- · -------·- - ·-·---- {P2 D6 Kmm, Eliznbgth S ___ _ _ _ _ _, _ _ ,,.. 893 Waters, J amines . ··-·-· - ---- - ·--- 4 Dgqlgc, H_ H ______ _ __ _ ,__ _ _ __,,, .. - 971 Weitzel, Louisa. .. . . - - ------ -- - · ---- Q10 Edeg, G]·n(;€F ______, ___,,. .,,.. . .. 8H1J Wells, George ---- ·---·•--·--···-·-•·—-· *27 Farqrilmr, Mary Howard .. . 891 l'0Btj1l‘§%d, _ Faiieimwi., Mary 1: ... . 715 I B¤l1mgs,k. G ..------------· - ---- - ·--~- 933 lrommau, Ricllyml _ ____ _ _____ _ ____,___, 936 I Burninn, Seinuel .. . . . . - .-·.-. - - 870 Forsyth, Alexmidcr ‘.. -. . .- 7UC} Cllr18h1B, W 111111111 --·- · -·-·-·----- · ----- 743 1*0;-;, [105mm 1) ____ __ ,_,,.. . ... 68;) Coburn, Harvey. ...- - ----- - ·--- 907 Fygngh, A]p[1p115R ____ ___,__,-..,,,.._ 926 Ft*Tgl1BOll,Th0lIl8S.- ··.--· ---- ·· ••---- -- Frost, S“m[13l____ _ _ __ ____ ____,,,,,,,. FHll8P,ADdF8WJ .··.-···- •-•--· Gagnon, Mnrcgl ____ , __,,_.,.. . . . . -- 902 G2,SlZC1’1, Adam . Z · .-.- · ·-·- · ·---- 802 Gear, Richard ____ _ _________ _ ,_,,.,... . 71;*4 , Hm·tinger,Cle1ne11t1ne .. 912 Hahn enmn, Charles . . . . . . . . **98 I H3y¤€B, W2lf6P S --·--- - ------~---- - - - - 695 Hanllie, Mn,rggrm,LHu ll ter . . . .. . I g811?le&,$€1T11Bg3 . . . ... . - - · Has in Rebecca. . ... .--- 61 1, 1 111111 ---- ·- ------ · ---·------ Hill, Alfred J ______ _ _________ , ____, .. . 841} I Mc Fzrrland, H. P .. . ... ..- - 794 Hillbgrg, Andrew G ,,.. , .. . 813 ‘ McKee, Robert O .. --. . . . . . . 792 Hilliker, Benjamin .. . . . 982 I McMillan, Joseph .. . . -- .-. . .-. - 730 Horrignn, Richard .. . . . . . . . 848 » Misbler, Abel .. - . --- . .. . - - . 873 Jackson, Addison A . . -.-. .. 8é6 · Roberson, Lifurs .. . . . . . 906 Jackson, Pntsey -- - . .-.. ...- 744 I Tullar Sidney B .. . . . . . 784 Johnson, Perry .. . . . . . . 741 Twitchell, Leander C .. . . . .. 742 Kearney, Louisa. .. . . ... 929 Walker, Maria . . . .. 852 K°U**Y» B€¤.l*lml¤ F ··-· -- -·---·-—-· -·—- 885 Pensions, Commissioner of, Kl!`m“Y9!`» Fmuclil H --—- ---- ---- — • ---- · 714 appropriation for addifiomil aid to Secre- L¤¤iz¤¤, 0==¤t>1¤¤ri¤¤ --·- - ---·-—- --—— 863 my or me rmmn in appeeis nom. 100 Lawrence, G•=<>rz•= H ---- - —--~------- *64 rmsmn Mmm War MCG1m}' 6], Ml¤h*}€1 ---· - ---·· · -···- - --—— 847 officers and enlistecl men who served 60 M¤K¤¤¤z=~» <»¤<=¤¤·=· C -----—-·—--—— - ----· EIB days in Amy or Navy during mm- Mcuuum -]*****69 ---- - —·--- - -··-·-·--·· '24 can war to be peusioned -... .. 371 Mwchp Piirbc — --•- · ··—-·----•--··--—-- 859 ersons named in resolution of Con Rss Miller. James L ·--- · ----— - ----- - ---- - 849 I P Eemian _____, _ _,___ _ _____ _ ____ jg ____ 37] M°"“’€» Nelson ··-- - -·~ -·—· -- - - ···· —· ·· widows who have not remarried .,,, , .,,,. 371 £}:;··:1.:,lRI0al:.:;t; ..-.. . . - · ---- ·- · · L personsbover sixty-two years old entitled. 371 g , L____ ___, ____ _____________ 4 ,, 0 I," •~ 1~r¤¤¤»»,J-»¤¤ F ------ · ------ . .---- - --·-- ·¤·> Willi;fifiJQ}?Z%”l}$‘502E1£§¥,¥§$‘°§,°¥1;; “" M“"“-Y» Fl‘“`°“"° ---··· --- · --···· · ···-· 6*7 pemlsnt. excluded 371 OW"], AIM" T --—-·-··---· · - -----~ - - · · W6 if disability incurred in- néuinst Owen, Alfred C A ...,... . . . . H05 U · I . _ I , nite: States .. . ..,,,, , _,_, 371 0w¤¤» <>¤¤¤¤¤··¤ Q - ----- --·- — —·-— — - *~·*·> rote ofpension .. , ,,_,_ , _,__,__,__ 371 O"°“· K“tm"°“ D- B ··----··------·---- f_‘0° not to apply to persons receiving pensions Ow°“’•Th°m““ S ······ ·~ ········ · ····· of SH u. mouth or more ,.,,,_ ____ 371 Pinks, George W . .. t-in only to inc,.,,,,,,, ,,,.e,,°m Pensions to '8__ 371 P¤¤k¢11*»· Munhimlm - -···- ··•· •····~ - · - ~ 8*12 rule-s and regulations for a. 1 licatious etc Price. William II. H . . . . ...- .. .. 897 to be ,,,80,ibm b wm,. ’,· I " x¤msa»11,1s»5m;11» J .. . . .- . . 74;: ,_,,i_{’,. ‘ Y ° ’ Y ° “‘ 3,, Renno,Davi li . . . . . . . . U17 ·s ```' T' `° "’ '‘` £mnB,£,tiJ0?f%h W I · . B- N H - · u l U · . · n 738 loss pgiigllplnnrgecertidcam not to bar ap- 371

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Rg:{;’· T‘;‘xfm;X·· ··········· ···· •··- gg; pension laws made npplicnms ,,,___ _ _____ 372 R an fébhn ‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ·‘·‘‘ "*· ·· · · · R, 8 persons wboserved ugninsnthe U11it3dS|;gtgg Séwgncwr ’]é,;,;g‘ '‘'‘ " ‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘"‘ m the late war not excluded ..,. _,,, 372 sm-aug, crimes ..1ZZZ IIZZ ZZ ZL1L` I "Q :94 *’°“"°““, $$5*** *’°""°“* ‘“”""“*°° °*· 3,,, swam, nivm ma . -. . . ...,, 8.18 · ° “ , · ····· · ····· - ····· - -··--·~--· Bhnler Samuel . -. .. - . . ...,_ 1 p°"t"""‘”`*,MP°k·» _ S111yr0f,, Thgmag ,1 _________ _ _ _ _ ________ gg ‘ ¤P1•¤>I1¤=¤<>¤ fOr lmprevemeut of harbor-. 315 Smith, George W .. .,,.,,,__ 786 I I'¢¢1P¥¢¢`{1i\’¤¢1v11¤l_Bank, Lawrenceburg, Ind,, Smit:, gteplaen ll) .. . . .-. - .. 799 Pd“Ph<'¤‘¤¤ 061*1 ¢1¤¤|5¤ of deposit issued to,. . 1 mit , top en .. . . . - 9;} eoria, I I I., Spieer, Emily Louisa . . . 907 I apprepriut ion fonpubliu building _________ 223 g;1¤1r;es,V1nlL1¤; lg . --»-.· -. to exgend pzlglic bpilding ng, md pm-. Gp 8118, 0 H . .. . .--. . c use ntnonn und ______ _ _____ 105 Stewart, J0}111 A .. .--- . . - -- - 748 I for heating apparnrufglbllc lm{ld1,,g_ _ _ 5];; Strong, Lewgsbi .. - . . . - QE14 ; terms of courts,non1n-1m judicial district, Strong,MamaL .. .--- .. . .,...__ 9;;; I tone held at ______ _ _____ _____ _ __ 442 Sutwn, A. zclggleré . - - ,.,, 724 1 p,,,-;,, I,,,;;,,,,'" °'”P “’“· F °“ ----·····--·——···-· $0 I •1»vr¤priat1cn for interest ana nu; rua__ 466 Tmgugr L°“ L ······ · ······ ····· - ~·-- •- 816 fvr interest due schooling1d_ __ _______ ,__ _£ QK6