Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/33

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or rm: CONTAINED IN THIS VOLUME. Page. Mexico. Commercial Convention between the United States of America and the United States of Mexico. Concluded at Washington, January 20, 1883; ratification, with amendments, advised by the Senate, March 11, 1884; ratified by the President of the United States, May 20, 1884; ratified by the President of Mexico, May 14, 1884; ratiiications exchanged at Washington,.May 20, 1884; proclaimed June 2, 1884 ,...,... - . 975 Sub-marine Cable:. Convention between the United States of America and Germany, Argentine Confederation, Austria-Hungary Belgium, Brazil, Costa·Rica, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Spain, United States o Colombia, France, Great Britain, Guatemala, Greece, Italy, Turkey, Netherlands, Persia, Portugal, Roumania, Russia, Salvador, Servia, Sweden and Norway, and Uruguay, for the protection of sub—marine cables. With an additional article concerning the means provided for admitting to the privileges of the Convention the Colonies of Great Britain, namely: Canada, Newfoundland, the Cape of Good Hope, Natal, New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland; Tasmania, South Australia, West Australia, and New Zealand. Concluded at Paris, March 14, 1884; ratification advised by the Senate June 12, 1874; ratified by the President January Zi, 1885; ratiiications by seventeen of the signatoy powers exchanged at Paris April 16, 1885; proclaimed May 22, 1885. .. . .- . .. 989 Italy. Supplementary convention between the United States of America and the Kingdom of Italy concerninug extradition of criminals. Concluded June 11, 1884; ratification a vised by the Senate J y 5, 1884; ratified by the President April 10, 1885; ratified by the King of Italy Asiggust 8, 1884; ratiiications exchanged at Washington April 24, 1885; proclaimed April 24, [001 1 . . . . .. . . . . . ‘. .. . . . . ... . . . . Egypt. An agreement between the United States of America and the Egyptian Government concerning commercial and customs regulations. Concluded at Cairo, November 16, 1884; ratification advised by the Senate, arch 18, 1885; ratified by the President, May 7, 1885; proclaimed, May 7, 1885 .. . ... . ... \004 Tasmania. Postal Convention between the United States of America and the Colonial Government of Tasmania .. . . . ... . . . ... . . . ... l00B

 Convention between the United States of America and the United States of Mexico

touching the international boundary line where it follows the bed of the Rio Grande and the Rio Colorado. Concluded at Washington, November 12, 1884; ratification advised by the Senate March 18, 1885; modifications consented to by the Senate June 23, 1886; ratified by the President of the United States July 10, 1886; ratiiications exchanged at Washington, September 13, 1886; proclaimed September 14, 1886 .. ... . . . 1011 Japan. Treaty between the United States of America and the Empire of Japan concerning extradition of criminals. Concluded at Tokio April 29, 1886; ratification, with amendments, advised by the Senate June 21, 1886; ratified by the President July 13, 1886; ratitications exchanged at Tokio September 27, 1886; proclaimed November 3, 1886 . ... . --. .. 1015 · Herico. Supplemental Article to the Commercial Convention between the United States of America and the United States of Mexico, concluded January 20, 1883, and to the Additional Article thereto of February 25, 1885. Concluded at Washington May 14, 1886; ratification advised by the Senate January 7, 1887; ratified by the President of the United States January 24, 1887; ratified by the President of Mexico May 30, 1886; ratiiications exchanged January 29, 1887; proclaimed February 1, 1887 .. . ... . . . . . . 1018 (xxxv)