Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/356

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FORTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 929. 1886. 321 with the approval of the Secretary of War, to pay for work done on said improvement, under the direction of the War Department, Since the last . appropriation was exhausted. Improving Savannah River below Augusta, Georgia: Continuing savauaahkivsr. improvement, fifteen thousand dollars. Improving Apalaehicola River, Florida: Continuing improvement, Apalachlcala ono thousand dollars. Ri*‘•=f- Improving Caloosahatchee River, Florida: Continuing improvement, Calaosabatahsa four thousand dollars. Riverimproving Choctawhatchee River, Florida and Alabama: Continu- Choetawhatchee ing improvement, fifteen thousand dollars; of which sum five thousand Rivvdollars to be expended below Geneva, and ten thousand dollars to be expended between Geneva and Newton, Alabama. Improving Conecuh-Escambia River, Florida and Alabama: Continu- coneaulansaaming improvement, twelve thousand dollars. Nv- River- Improving La Grange Bayou, Florida: Continuing improvement: two La Grange Bathousand dollars. 5'<>¤· Improving Manatee and Pease Rivers, Florida: Continuing improve- Manatee and ment, thirteen thousand dollars; of which five thousand dollars may P°¤¤° Rivmbe expended on Pease River. Improving channel over the bar at the mouth of Saint J ohn’s River, _S==i¤ t J chu ’¤ glplrida: Continuing improvement, one hundred and fifty thousand R""- o ars. Improving Suwanee River, Florida: Continuing improvement, five Suwauw River thousand dollars. Improving Volusia Bar, Florida: To complete improvement, seven Volusia Bar. thousand five hundred dollars. Improving Withlaeoochee River, Florida: Continuing improvement, _Withlacoochee three thousand dollars. R“’°”· Improving Alabama River, Alabama: Continuing improvement, tif- Alabama River. teen thousand dollars. Improving Black Warrior River from Tuscaloosa to Daniel’s Creek, _Bl¤°k W°·¤‘i°* Alabama, fifty-six thousand two hundred and fifty dollars, together with R""“'· the forty-seven thousand dollars on hand; to be expended in accordance with the plan adopted by the board of engineers. Improving Cahawba River, Alabama: Continuing improvement, Cahawba River. seven thousand five hundred dollars: Provided, That no part of said P""’“°· sum shall be expended until the officer in charge shall have reported that the railroad and other bridges across said river have been provided with good and sufficient draw-openings. Improving Tallapoosa River, Alabama: Continuing improvement, _'1‘ all a pooss · seven thousand five hundred dollars. R“’“· Improving Warrior River, Alabama: Continuingimprovement, eight- Warrior River. een thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars; to be expended below Tuscaloosa. . Improving Tombigbee River, Alabama and Mississippi: Continuing _T o m b i g b a a improvement, eighteen thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars; to be R""'- expended below Vienna, eleven thousand two hundred and fatty dollars; and between Vienna and Fulton, seven thousand five hundred dollars. Improving Big Sunilower River, Mississippi: Continuing improve- Big gungawap ment, five thousand dollars; of which two thousand dollars to be ex- mm-. pended between Vlfoodburn and Lel1rton._ _ _ _ _ Improving Noxubee River, Mississippi : Continuing improvement, Noxubee River. seven thousand five hundred dollars. _ _ _ _ Improving Pascagoula River, Mississippi: Continuing improvement, _P a s c a g a u 1 a including bar at the mouth, and from there to the mills at Moss Point, R""- twenty thousand dollars; and the balance of the money now on hand heretofore appropriated for improving Hom Island Pass is to be apphed ‘ to the same purpose. _ _ _ _ . Improving Pearl River, Mississippi: Continuing improvement, seven- P¤=¤‘l Rl"!'- teen thousand six hundred and twenty-Evo dollars; of which two thousand two hundred and Bfty dollars are to be expended between Edinburg STAT 1.-—voL xxtv--21 '