Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/1053

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1008 FIFTIETH CONGRESS. SEsS. II. CHS. 413, 414. 1889. those contained in sections one and seven, shall, for every such offense, upon conviction before a court of competent jurisdiction, pay a iinefoé not more than one hundred dollars, for the use of the District 0 olum ia. ` Repeal- SEC: 14. That all acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith be, and the same are hereby, repealed. Approved, March 2, 1889. March 2.1889. CHAP. 414.--An act to forfeit lands granted to the State of Michigan to aid in _"`-""' the construction of a railroad from Marquette to Ontonagon, in said State. . Be it enacted by the Senate and House oé Re resentatifves of the _,,}Q,{’_,{,*‘,`§,f,}‘S’ ;,!f,,‘,§, United States of America in Congress assemb d, {hat there is hereby w rai1¤>¤d¤ in Michi- forfeited to the United States, and the United States hereby resumes gm the title thereto all lands heretofore granted to the State of Michigan V°l· ¤· P- M- by virtue of an act entitled "An act making a grant of alternate sections of the public lands to the State of Michigan, to aid in the construction of certain railroads in said State and for other purposes," which took effect June third, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, which are opposite to and coterminous with the uncompleted portion of any d Restored to public railroad, to aid in the construction of which said lands were granted °m°"L or applied, and all such lands are hereby declared to be a part of the P¤>•¢i¤·>•- pub ic domain: Provided, That this act shall not be construed as for- Riebtscf ww. M- eiting the right of way or depot grounds of any railroad company _ heretofore granted: And provtdedfarther, That nothing in this act ugxrglfm rights ¤°* contained s all be construed as lnmtrng the rights_ granted to pur- ` chasers or settlers by "An act to provide for the adjustment of and - grants made by Congress to aid in the construction of railroads and or the forfeiture o' unearned lands, and for other purposes," apv.,;_ gr, m proved March third, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, or as repea · . mg, altering, or amending said act, nor as in any manner affecting any cause of action existing in favor of any purchaser against his grantor for breach of any covenants of title. Landsearuedbycop- Sec. 2. That nothing in this act shall be construed as forfeiting §,’j“°“°“ “°” *°"°"" any lands that have been heretofore earned by the location and construction of any portion of any railroad hereinbefore mentioned under any act of Congress making a grant of public lands in the Briggs- State of Michigan, Provided.- That such lands lie opposite such con- I‘°°“ "‘ structed road, or if indemnitly lands are provided in such grants the same shall be selected from the public lands within such indemnity limits lying nearest to such constructed road: And provided further, mgm or lezal or That this act shall not be construed to prejudice any right of the gm "’1"‘* "°‘ Portage Lake Canal Company, or the Ontonagon and Brule River Railroad Company, or any erson claiming under them, to apply hereafter to the courts or to (gongress for any legal or equitable re ief to which they may now be entitled, nor to prejudice any right of forfeiture, as herey declared, or recovery of the United States in respect of any of the lands claimed by said companies, nor to the prejudice of the right of any person claiming adversely to said companies or their assigns, under the laws of the United States.

ti¤¤<>f cg- Sec. 3. That in a l cases when any of the lands forfeited by the

' first section of this act, or when any lands relinquished to, or for any cause resumed by, the United States from grants for railroad purposes, heretofore made to the State of Michigan, have heretofore een disposed of by the proper officers of the United States or under State_ se ections in Michigan confirmed by the Secretary of the Interior, under color of the public-land laws, where the consideration received therefor is still retained by the Government, the right and title of all persons holding or claiming under such Prwbv. disposals shall be, and is hereby, conhrmed; Provided, however,