Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/1093

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1050 FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 172-176. 1888. April 23, 1888. CHAP. 172.-An act granting a pension to James M. Be it enacted by the Senaée and House 0PQ Repirgsecngxltirgs of; the -****9* M-B6"'-V- United States of America in on ress assem e , a_ e ecre ary nmol of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place “*’°’* mi ""““£’£"’°“’ W?63*.$3.§"‘Rt"§Z¥$1$’“€hZ“‘}J€i€2?“$é°.‘i2§£ ttf ension laws, e name 0 a . _ , _ _ . Berr , late of Company D, One hundred and twenty-sixth Regjiment of Iliinois Infantry, and Robert L. Berry, late of Company , One hundred and forty-third Regiment of Illinois Infantry. Approved, April 23, 1888. April za, isss. CHAP. 173.-An act to increase the pension of Maxwell Carroll. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Mnxwcllparroll- United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary P°°"S'°“ "‘°""°d' of the Interior be, and is hereby, authorized and directedtoincrease the pension of Maxwell Carroll, late first lieutenant of Comlpany B, First Vir_`a Cavalry, from twenty-four dollars per mont to the amount ailcllxved by law for the loss of a limb above the knee. Approved, April 23, 1888. April es, im. CHAP. 114.-An act to pension Emily Goodall. Be it enacted by the Senate and Houseéyyog Representatives of the Emi1yG¤<>d¤11. United States of America in Coryress ass led, That the Secretary v.,;_m,,;_m, of the Interior be, and he is here (y, directed to place on thepension- 311, subgect tp time Igovésipns ap liimiggpns of the mpelxisioilr laws, enameo mi 00a wiowo ert .Go a wowas Bensioned by act 0% Congress approved February twenty-sixth, anno omini eighteen hundred and eighty-one Approved, April 23, 1888. · Avril 28. l8®. CHAP. 1'l5.——An act granting a pension to Harriet V. Stockton. Re it enacted by the Senate and House bf Representatives of the g§mg;¤¤¤. [£rgtedIS:ates oj£)AmeGzi1a agi Cgpgress aisilsenzbleéd, 'léhgt thecgecretary ‘ o eneriorean eereyis,au orize an `et tole the name of Harriet Stockton on the pension-rollilsiizbject th the probylisionés andilipnitatéorgt of ktihe pgnsioneliaws of thle Unitiaétl States, as ewi owo 0 n . ·0c on, eceas ,asas0 'erin C, First _K1eptucliy Cgvagry, gn th? wgmr of eighteen hurldred a1id[sl);ty}; one 0 eig een un re an six y- ve. Approved, April 23, 1888. APW 2% 1899- CHAP. 176.-An act granting a pension to Laura D. Pierce. h _ Re it enacted by the Senate and House of Re esentative the {:;*:3};- mm- United States of America in Congress assembled, pThat the Segciégtary of the Interior be, hereby authorized and directed to lace on the pension-roll, subject to the provisions and limitations oip the pension aws, the name of Laura . Pierce, widow of Artemus Pierce, of Company E, Fifteenth Vermont Volunteers. Approved, April 23, 1888.